Well the day literally disappeared.
Morning all
Morning has broken.
Me. It’s broken me. Slept horribly. Have so much to do. Onwards, I guess.
Wat is die slaap 'n wondersoete ding!
I haven’t had unbroken sleep for 2 years now. The only way I can have it is to drink sleeping pills and I will never do that.
Yeah, I’ve had my alarm set to 7 AM every day this holiday period and have never been able to sleep to a point where I have to switch it off. I am always up before the time. Currently running on around 5-6 hours of sleep a day.
I did have one time where I slept to almost 9 AM but I contribute that to the edible from the night before.
How the heck did this get >300 clicks…
Howdy. Friday. Where’s the party at?
Morning all
Had about 3 hours sleep. I am not prepared for today.
Hey all
Stupid work laptop is driving me nuts.
Earlier this week it refused to turn on after shutting it down properly. This morning it worked great and then I drove into the office after doing a shutdown again on the laptop it once against refuses to turn on.
Had to log a ticket with IT - the fun is I am still in the cape and our IT is in JHb…
And I refuse to send my laptop to JHB
Morning all
Rainy grey morning greetings ground-based humans.
Despite all the rain up here over the past month, Joburg still has water restrictions in place and we’re still getting overnight “water throttling” two or three times a week.
Oh how it’s great to be living in South Africa.
Perhaps you should just bring your laptop up to Joburg personally!
Rain, rain, go away!
Come again another day!
(Checking if that still works in adulthood.)
Morning all
Morning all
Monday. Yay.
Good morning everyone.
All these price and cost increases coming into 2025 without having any compensation increase really make JanuWORRY a real thing.