Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

Gave it to ChatGPT and asked it to explain in simple terms for me. It words similar to me but even gooderer.

The formula is called “SUMIFS” and it’s used to sum up certain values in a range based on multiple conditions.

Here’s how it works:

  1. It starts by looking at the range of values in “Occupancy 2.0” sheet from cell S2 to S101.
  2. Next, it checks the values in “Occupancy 2.0” sheet from cell C2 to C101 to see if they match the value in cell B13 in the “Reporting” sheet.
  3. The formula also checks the values in “Occupancy 2.0” sheet from cell B2 to B101 to see if they match the value in cell B11 in the “Reporting” sheet.
  4. If both conditions are true, the formula adds up all the values in the “Occupancy 2.0” sheet from cell S2 to S101 that match both conditions.

So basically, the formula helps you sum up values in one sheet based on two conditions that are in two different columns, so you can get the total of specific values you’re looking for.


Yeah multiple teams profiles are not easy. 2 I can handle, one in the App and one in a seperated browser. But why it still has to be a struggle to run them from one app I have no clue.

They promised improvement with the user switching but it still remains clunky as all heck…


Hope to hear good news soon dude!


Her heart rate has come down but they’re gonna do x-rays now too.


Possibly high BP? Hope all is good that side…


Wife is home and all seems okay, doctors think it might be some kind of infection that may be affecting her heart. If things don’t improve or get worse she must go back and possibly get an asthma pump.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.


Glad yo hear she is home. hope all is well

Morning people of the palace


How is it morning already? Again?!



Morning everyone


Morning all.

I am travelling to Dubai tomorrow evening and still have no idea what is happening with accommodation. I am starting to worry and stress.




Good morning everyone.

@Beo Hope your wife is on the mend. Are you travelling with other people too? Don’t stress but make sure you have some contact numbers ready.

@murfle Sorry, would’ve been cool have met you.


Thanks for the wishes. She’s still struggling with shortness of breath and general tightness in her chest but now mentally taking strain too given the current situation and my travel looming closer.

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Here’s a strange one. Does anyone have or know of any good sources for colouring pages that I can print out?

Edit: obviously I can Google as well :stuck_out_tongue:

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Like for coloring in with crayons?

No idea.

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Yeah, more specifically with alcohol markers but yeah any form of colouring. I was asking more out of hoping to find something more reputable. Anyway, thanks for sharing, will have a gander through that one too :smiling_face:

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Interesting, never heard of alcohol markers.

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Would love to get me some Copic markers, if only just to try their quality and breed, but at R100 ea… yeah nah. Otherwise, my goal is to get myself a nice set of Ohuhu markers. Currently, I’m just using some cheapish ones.

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:point_up: More voters needed here please :point_up:


Morning people of the palace