Hey y’all.
This morning parking duty was cold
Hey y’all.
This morning parking duty was cold
So, we meet again Monday.
Morning to all
Hallo julle ma se kinners.
The pools of water that collect on my window sills in the morning is insane. The struggle of Cape Town winters.
Morning people of the palace
Have a lovely freezing day!
That it is, I may as well be siting a fridge.
I basically am sitting in a fridge.
Looking at gas heaters, I think we’ll need one this winter.
Dude well worth it, as long as you maintain it
we had one that caught fire thanks to a leak on the pipe and regulator
At least we fixed it
Do you use those inside? Can’t be too healthy.
Yeah, they’re in door. I don’t forsee any health concerns. Apart from it maybe drying out the air which could kinda be a good thing for the moisture issue too. Unless there’s a leak of course
Keep ventilation running, the heater uses up oxygen, which means the ratio of oxygen to carbon something something-cide is off, which is bad. Open a window, is all.
Oh yeah of course, I love fresh air. My wife is always complaining that it’s cold and I’m opening up doors or windows. Thanks for the reminder though.
I read the other day, “And so on the sixth day, God made those who like air conditioning, and then He made those who don’t like air conditioning. Then, He married them, and saw that it was good.”
Morning okes.
Why, hello there. Aren’t you a sight for sleepy eyes in the morning.
Morning people of the palace
Have a good one
I have a feeling that I picked up a cold