Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

A happy and blessed Easter to you!


Good evening all. Hope you’ve all had a restful day.

:smiley: :wave:t2:


The grindstone is back. Sorry about that.


Yup! Back to it! :rock:

Good morning everyone.

Are you taking all of the blame upon yourself? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well… I’m working from home for this week, so I’ll take half of it. :smiley:

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I’m still on leave and only return to work to work on Thursday.


Enjoy yourself.

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This 7 hours or so back after a week off made me realize that I need to put some serious effort into winning the lotto.


Morning all! The week is flying by - it’s Wednesday already.



This is our Easter weekend story.

Saturday evening around 18:00 we received a message from someone in our complex Oreo just got hit by a car and ran off.

Immediately we ran out to go see but he was nowhere to be found.

After being told which way he ran to we made our way there calling out and looking for Oreo as he was somewhere in a open field.
Looking in bushes and drains we couldn’t find him.
Eventually realising the time its 21:00 we needed to go home.

I immediately let our community know to please be on a lookout for him.

Everyone concerned looking for Oreo.
Posting on social media the word got out about Oreo and before we knew it everyone was looking for him.

The next morning we went out again looking for him at the field and other areas but he is nowhere to be found.

Back and forth going back looking for him we found him in the field in a open storm water drain where we looked in so many times.

Finally he called out to us we saw him 5 to 8 meters inside we saw his eyes staring back at us and his little meow.

We trying to get to him but no help.
Oreo not moving.

Eventually our amazing community gave us the fire department number.
Not even questioning or over thinking the fire department came out to help us.
After a hour of trying to help us no luck Oreo didn’t move and the drain couldn’t be open.
They had to leave the rescue.
Adviced us to leave food and try and call out to him encourage him to get up and walk to us.

Once again its dark is getting late and raining we needed to go home.

One more time around 22:00 Shane goes out to see if he is still there and yes he is.

Coming back home worrying knowing he is there and theres nothing we can do we finally went to bed.

5:00 am Shane heads out Oreo still there in the drain.
Shane talks to him and Oreo trying to get up but lies down again.

Shane didn’t give up he kept on telling Oreo to come to him.
Oreo gets up slowly walking towards him.
Finally he has Oreo.

We took him to the vet he is okay :pray:
He has a fractured hip.
Unfortunately they can’t do much except to give pain medication.
He is home and on his way to recovery :smile:

We are so blessed to have Oreo home and safe.
We are so overwhelmed with everyone love towards Oreo.

We have people wanting to send money for food ect.
As the vet cost us a arm and a leg but it was all worth it.

God brought our little fur baby home :smiley_cat:


Ah man, what a traumatic experience. Glad that there was a happy ending and Oreo can rest and heal up at home. So awesome to hear of a community rallying around and helping each other :pray:t3:


Morning brew for the morning brus. :coffee:



Good morning everyone.


Looky looky… Friday!!



Good morning everyone.


Hello there!



Grey, damp and drizzly Sunday greetings! :cloud_with_rain:

:smiley: :wave:t2:

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Dreary drizzling daybreak. That’s Monday for you. Hope the Capies weathered the wind okay - looked hectic!
