Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

Making it tonight.



Goulash under way, and do yourself a favour and get some of this…


No Canada for me


If you book them, they will come…


Morning all! Happy Monday :grin:



Morning all


Good morning everyone.


Not IIHF, no… Been following the games my nephew has been playing in though, he’s an up and comer!

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So, how was it? Looks really good.


It was a hit with the family and we had the remainder tonight with a fresh French loaf and butter. It was great with the wine too.


Elo people of the palace

Got the flu bad this time, and managed to infect the mum as well as the bf in the space of 3 days - at least I am feeling a bit more human

Had my appointment with the specialist hand surgeon today.

We learnt a few things, first of all, I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand not the wrist bu more towards the index finger and thumb. So he has done a cortisone shot and nerve block to see if that helps with the grip issues I have been having as well as some of the random pain I had.
Secondly, he will do a fixation of the right knuckle on the index finger, because to do a joint replacement, there is an 80% chance that it will fail again due to bone density issues and having to do bone grafts to make it work.
On my middle finger, he wants to shave off a bony spur that has developed over the years - it is so slow growing that I barely realised it.
Now I need to see an occupational therapist for testing to see how the nerve block worked as well how the fixation angle will be calculated - somewhere between 60 - 80 %is the angle he is thinking of that will give me the most functionality and with it, he will turn the finger in the right direction. I learnt the reason it is folding under my other fingers is that there is a nice little chunk of the original knuckle missing.
Lastly, he will do something to loosen the tension on the scar on my palm which is contracting my hand movement and is very sore and stiff.

So for 2 months of occupational therapy and then end of July he will make up his mind as to exactly what to do, including maybe surgery for the carpal tunnel.

At least his plan of action is to work a plan and do all of the surgeries at once. yay me!


Good morning all.



Sounds painfully unpleasant @Wyvern but really glad you’re eventually managing to get your hand sorted. Hopefully the next few months are good and whatever procedures are decided on all go well. We’ll have you catching local taxis and throwing hand signs before long! :vulcan_salute:t2:


Morning all


Hope it all goes well, and hope you get rid of the flu quickly.


Ouch Wyv! Here is to hoping for a good outcome, your hands are your second most used tools in work and play!


See, I only use the middle finger at one specific angle, so that would be an easy one for me!

My sister in law had wrist ops to fix her carpal tunnel, and it was life changing in the best of ways. So I’m holding thumbs that the occupational therapy sommer fixes it, but if not that you get through it with minimal pain and discomfort and the best of drugs the pharmacist can offer so that you can get to the fully mobile other side of it!


Since Oreo’s accident, he doesn’t eat much of his wet food anymore and actually favours his dry foods. Very strange.

All I know is the nerve block he did is hurting like mad today, it feels like the whole area between my thumb and index finger is bruised.

The flu is mostly gone just the lingering cough that isnt going away.


I guess I’m at that stage as well. Whoever reviews my exam audios from the last two days is gonna get an earful.