Don’t Assume My Topic Thread

It is in sight.


Hey Everyone.

Epic schedule slippage.

Guess who’s back, back in town….

Time to update your neglected ESP app and charge the Magneto lights folks.

That means I’m off at 17:00! Hopefully my bread will finish baking before then.


Our loadshedding didn’t happen at 19:00, lucky us!

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Yeah ours didn’t happen at 20h00 either.

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Morning all.

:grinning: :wave:t2:


Morning all


Hi all!


I’m so tired. I don’t know what to do anymore.


Had to laugh at this :smile:


Hey ho!


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Morning all


@aldyr and @GregRedd — what rally game y’all playing now, I see there’s one on Game Pass, EA WRC, is it this?

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I haven’t played any rally stuff for ages, but yes, the EA WRC game on Game Pass/EA Play is the official WRC and more recent rally game that folk picked up after Dirt Rally 2.0. That said, DR2 is still a quality rally title. Both have solid customisation options and a host of controller settings and assists that you can apply depending on your driving comfort level and controller. The WRC game is newer, has the official WRC events, cars, and competitors in it, and is the one that is being updated with new Season Packs. Definitely worth having a mess around with while it’s available on Game Pass.

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Morning all. Happy Monday!



Morning all

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Okay awesome, just wasn’t certain if it was that or the other WRC titles, then there’s also WRC Generation or something. Nevertheless, thanks for the feedback and input. I’ll try give it a looksee and play around. Not sure how long the motivation will last if I am just playing by/with myself.

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Late reply

I mean, if it’s on Game Pass, it’s “free” to try :man_facepalming: . EA WRC has a decent career mode if you are into that. Gives a sense of progression, especially, if you’re looking to try every class in a methodical way, some thought to managing non-driver team related career things.

But know, that the game really shines, in online play: moments (re live some or other famous historical moment in real life WRC), multiplayer (normal rally multiplayer with randoms), clubs (scheduled racing against everyone in the same club), and time trial.

Surprisingly, time trial is fantastic, if you add people as friends, that have the same skill level, on the EA launcher. You basically get prompted with random friend’s ghost data, to chase in time trial. I enjoyed this, except when i get ghost data from a local RL SA rally driver :man_facepalming: Impossibru. Clubs can be amazing, if you join a club that has a community discord. This has been my go to. You get tips. People banter. Memes galore. Photos of sim rig setup, then replies with a photo of a gamepad :joy:

If you want to get the most out of it, that’s where the real value is in EA WRC.

Lastly, the game doesn’t run well. Drop the graphics settings, till you can manage a consistent 80’ish fps. That way, your 1% lows, will at least be above 60fps.


All in all, valuable feedback, thanks!

Even in DiRT 2 I didn’t get much value out of the career/campaign modes. I would agree that it shines in its online mode. And personally love the asynchronous style of game, you’re playing solo but you’re competing against others. I love time trials, even as a standalone or solo perspective, I love the challenge that comes with beating times.

But yeah, I don’t have the time for connecting and engaging with communities and so forth, I understand that will be my shortcoming and limiting factor but I still thank you for your feedback and consideration in all aspects here.

Thanks again.

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