May your Sunday be a fun day.
It will surely be a wet day here in Joburg.
Morning all
I am back on MEW! Thanks @SIGSTART for the assist! 2FA back online, and recovery codes printed and in my wallet next to my CC pin
Monday. Morning.
Morning all
New week. I need some time off, my first is only in April though. Long wait still.
Good morning everyone.
Ello people
The reality of packing a 100sqm office hit me this morning - I need to organise storage and moving of stuff in storage to the new unit and all this office stuffs
The extra fun part is taking inventory of what we have in this office
the bonus is new office will potentially only be ready in May or end may
Good luck with that.
I’m getting my head around writing instructions for long storage.
Another wet, wet, wet morning. Good Morning to all MEW!
Yo. Definitely a lot more than merely moist in Joziburg at the moment. After just two days of this miserable, grey, rainy weather I’m starting to get why SAD is a thing. At least another two days of rain forecast before a small break on Thursday/Friday. But then more rain expected on the weekend and into next week again.
I’ll take the rain over the wind any day.
Morning all
I will take days of rain over days of 40c any day.
Agreed, but this is starting to sound a little more than just some regular rain…
Upwards of 50mm in a day is going to cause some serious kak with all the blocked stormwater inlets, already huge potholes, and randomly functional traffic lights in these parts.
@SIGSTART not sure what is going on here
Yeah, I saw the CPU was working really hard a bit earlier.
I’m busy trying to sort out the email problems now. Will then investigate moving the site over onto beefier hardware.
Yeah, there was definitely something funky going on earlier around the time I was doing the Game Pass post. Site wouldn’t load initially, then the images I tried to add to the post kept failing to upload. Came back half hour later and all was fine again.
Thanks for the update and continued commitment.