Morning all
Aweh bras and bradettes.
Good Afternoon everyone.
Good news! Got my final result. My qualification is complete. Now I just need to wait for them to audit it to confirm I did all the modules.
In a similar yet different vein, I finally heard back from ECSA, I’m not professional enough to be a Pr. Eng yet I need to better illustrate the complexity of work that I’ve done to the moderation committee.
Oh. Well good morning to you too Stage 6. It has been a while. What brings you to town so unexpectedly, I wonder?
Morning all
Merry Monday greetings!
Morning all
Damn, Do you have to go in for an interview?
Good morning everyone.
Didn’t even get to that point - I believe that if I was allowed to interview, I’d be able to convey exactly how complex the work that I’ve done is, and that I am competent in all the area’s they look at. Conveying that in a summary form report, sufficiently highlighting very specific competencies without belabouring the whole report, is very difficult and I think that’s the only bit that I really did not do well enough.
Still haven’t had time to really set out a plan to rectify my report, I need more hours in the day. Luckily I get about 12 months, so I don’t need to do it immediately.
Morning all. Have a great day.
Ergh, enter… timesheets. The next stage of the corporification of a company.
Whenever I’m reminded about timesheets, I remember that they were probably 50% of the reason I left my old job in 2010 and ended up at MyBroadband.
Yeaaaaaah timesheets is a major bugbear. I tend to put it off until the end of the month, and then kick myself and promise to be better the next month, and then… don’t be better.
If only our fancy timesheet system (that I think advertises on MyBB, @SIGSTART) could integrate with O365, as 75% of my time is booked on Outlook anyway!
If I had any free time, I’d convince AI to write a python script for that.
Good morning! May the midweek humps be smooth and gentle!
Morning all
So it has been >3-months post vasectomy and had to have an “analysis” — most embarassing moment of my life.
We can fill in the blanks…
Bwahahahahahaha welcome to the bane of my life
I am the nagger of timesheets. . . .\
Also hi there
See you are the kind of employee that will and does drive me nuts - I have to check weekly and nag those who haven’t logged time for the previous week. We, unfortunately, need accurate and detailed timesheets for Time and Material projects otherwise clients don’t pay and we cant pay staff.