This map shows the most frequently searched for “meaning of dream about…” terms around the world. “Snake” related dreams are by far the most frequently searched for dreams - tops the list in 52 countries. Second most common is “teeth falling out” in 17 countries.
For someone like me who has zero dream recall at all, “teeth falling out” is a bit of an odd one. Has anyone here ever had a dream where your teeth have been falling out?
There’s a fair few other dream searches that are also a bit odd. Greece is “hat”. Batswanans have a lot of dreams involving “eating”. Here in SA, the most common dream related searches are for dreams about “money” - we don’t have any so we can only dream about it.
Have you had any of these dreams? Which weird dream topic would drive you to go Googling for its meaning?
I’ve had the teeth falling out dream, its horrendous. Googling it about a decade ago told me that it’s typically related to money worries, which I had at the time.