Dungeons & Dragons for newbies

Sorry guys, my weekend was a total mess and was not able to pop in.
Can i suggest we maybe create a whatsapp group to make coms a bit easier and flow nicely?

I am not at my PC over most of the weekends and not on forums at all. Mostly on during the week

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Sounds like a plan, DM me your whatsapp numbers to be kept abreast of the developments. I will also post our plans here for others to read (and hopefully be inspired)


The first plan is to get through the rules. I will then create a beginner adventure using Roll20. Character creation is a large part of a successful campaign. The way I am planning to run it is like this:

  1. Players pick a class/race/background using the rules.
  2. They then send me the details, I create the character sheet on roll20 and it will be available when they join.
  3. We then spend a little time where players modify the characters on the sheets in roll20, allowing us all to be on the same page
  4. Then we start :wink:

Because we are all newbies with the rules, I would suggest that each player is responsible for knowing how the rules work for their character like weapon abilities, special attacks, spells etc. I am not a rule nazi and I am not interested in knowing the distinct details of how your abilities work, the story is more important to me. This way we can all learn the application of the rules together and as a group also learn to which extent the rules are important to the gameplay and the story.


You sir are the real mvp :mechanical_arm:


Just a quick clarification on

I am not interested in knowing the distinct details of how your abilities work

By that I mean the rules. The look, feel, application, actions your character takes to make it happen is of great interest to me and everyone else! Saying: " I hit the wolf with a fireball" is not what I mean. The actions you need to take to get that fireball to come sizzling out of your fingertips is important ;-).

Besides, roleplaying your abilities is so much more fun.


Heā€™s a level 3 mage. I canā€™t do anything

You will be a level 1 mage, even worse! mageā€™s have cantrips they can cast all the time. Never under estimate the power of a creatively applied cantrip!

Iā€™m thinking more of a Goliath or Berserker class that Iā€™m gonna run with. Gonna have a nice read about all that tonight

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Some adventures I have run I have specified characters needed but for this we run with what we got. I find that being creative as a DM, shaping the story around what people come up with is fun for me too.

Unfortunately back story is a little limited currently since I cannot give anyone a clear summary of the world itself, the religions, the politics etc. This means basic back story with vague outlines is best and then we can work to shape that based on what the world ends up being. Shaping a back story in detail (in my campaigns) is a collaborative work between the player and me, we communicate, we shape and agree.

This way I can avoid silly characters like a duck mage and such things. My campaigns usually have strict consequences for social actions. So running around a town sniffing peopleā€™s butts because you want to role play a character that is a dog trapped in a human mind will get you locked up and unable to play with the group :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (extreme example, but hey, I have encountered it).


Dude that sounds like the most wtf thing Iā€™ve ever heard about dnd

Are you guys using Fantasy Grounds?


Using https://roll20.net. Busy working on setting up the first scenario in our first MEW D&D story :wink:


Ok, first adventure is set to start Sunday night 19:00. the game world is Forgotten Realms, makes it easier for reference, being the most iconic D&D game world.

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We got 2 players so far, characters made, adventure ready! Now it is time for me to do a lot of reading, trying to get some handle on the rules before our first game session on Sunday.


Unfortunately I have a hockey match Sunday night so wonā€™t be able to join :frowning:

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We can make a plan next time to get your character in, for sure!

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True, I tried but real life had other ideas.

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So im gonna be playing dnd on roll20 with friends, setting up character sheets is a bitch :rofl:


Sweet! What classes and races are you looking at?

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