Here its gonna be easier to organize and create groups for sessions and all that jazz
Doing RL or something over discord?
And my axe!!!
Most of you guys are closely located to each other. But I think over discord will help those that’s far away.
Roll 20 might be the best in conjunction with Discord yeah
I think that’s the website my friend used to play. I’ll check it I can get a link and post it here
You all basically join into a lobby, where you can see a map and creatures and so on
Yes that’s the one
I’ve always wanted to learn how to play, but everything i read is so damn confusing
So is this open to anyone, or…?
Offcourse.We jsut need a DM to kick it off. @SIGSTART … cough cough
Everyone can download DnD Beyond on your phone and then Create a Roll20 account so long
done and done
I’ve never DMed a game over the Internet before, but I’ll take a look at Roll 20 when I get home.
I can hear by my friend how it works and all that jazz but I have faith in you
What ruleset are we using, and yes, I say we because I have many years of tabletop RP games that I ran and played in before I left teaching and I would LOVE to play again.
If we can make this work, I would be willing to run some games in other settings like mage, werewolf, vampire, space themed etc.
I have not touched DnD for over 20 years so I have no idea what it is like now.
I think 5th Edition would be the best choice.
The character sheet integration for it in Roll20 was really user friendly as well, when I last used it.
So you know the ins and outs of DnD, that’s pretty awesome I asked my friend and he said 5th is best for new players and learning what happening and going around.
I really want to get this off because I’ve been trying to get people from 2014 but nothing so here’s hoping that this time we can do it and have massive fun
So are you going to join us when we set up our first campaign?