First footage of 'Project X', the game with a 400-player battle royale mode, will premiere at the PC Gamer Weekender

So everybody, welcome to the Year of Battle Royal. It seems most games are either adding the feature to their multiplayer, or new games are made with it specific. This project I wasn’t even aware of and 400 concurrent players seems like a really big number.

I think a lot of the appeal of PubG is that the games dont take to long, I cant imaging a game with 400 players taking less than 45mins to an hour, unless its complete carnage, and thats not the way i think the battle royale system should go… Thee beginning of a PubG match is hectic, especially when landing at the school, or mansion, or picardo, I cant imagine more players landing at hot spots like these being anything but a game of Russian roulette…

Also i hope we dont see this mode appear everywhere, I get its popular at the moment, but game devs would do better to come up with new concepts rather than copy existing ones… just my 2c…