Fitness Q&A

Thanks a lot bud.

Sorry, just to clarify. On the steps, my feet are my lowest point.

I would rather start with my hands on the 4th step, then 3rd, then 2nd, then floor. While keeping your hands shoulder width, elbows tucked in. Make sure when you go down that hands are next to nipples, and not shoulders (just to clarify I am talking about your nipples, not some elseā€™s)


I was almost excited to work out there lol.

Thanks for all the help. Iā€™ve got some direction now

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The other way to get stronger is by regularly doing strength exercises with lighter reps and weight, but doing them more often than you would a heavy workout. This teaches your muscles to fire more efficiently, or in other words, ā€œgreases the groove.ā€

Thats from here

But I first heard about it on Joe Rogan

Also saw it explained nicely here

That is indeed very nice and all, just not very practical for most people. Makes 100% sense though.

Hey @Snowbeast how is it going?


Anytime training.

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Soā€¦ Lockdown happened. I got fat (again). Broke a belt a week or two ago that I just replaced today. My knee if so close to popping, I almost felt it happen on the weekend, which sucks, since my go to workout is usually squats.

How can I strengthen this knee? Empty bar squats?


Best is to do this




Both my knees are shot thanks to loads of sitting and little exercise. They both snap, crackle and pop when I climb stairs. Like quite audibly. Iā€™d also like to know how to strengthen them.


I thought it was age creeping on up. I too experience this but more like everywhere than just my knees. I also need to strengthen my back (or lower back more precisely).


My lower back is not ready for hockey practiceā€¦ Or any other part of me. At least theyā€™re prepping the rink for public sessions first. Get a bit of time to get used to the movements and breathing again. Especially the breathingā€¦


I started back on swimming now that im back at work, and have started jiu jitsu again with close friends, im so happy to be exercising again :grinning: my knees are taking strain now because of breaststroke


Sjoh that is a tough one. I would do more band exercises hey. If you do ass to the grass squats it is lots of pressure on your knees


Iā€™ve got bands laying around, but never really used them for my legs as far as I can rememberā€¦ Anything specific to do with them that you can think of?

Appreciate the response.

That answers it then, do squats on the carpet!


Lots yeah, can do site squats walking like a crab while staying down low just above 90 degrees
normal squats using the bands to pull you down and offer resistance.
Can also do abductors (what they are called if I remember correctly)

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@Flex I remember reading somewhere that weak glutes contribute to knee pain. Your thoughts on this?

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Thanks again! Iā€™ll try and force myself into a healthy lifestyle again :slight_smile: Unfortunately, Iā€™m putting up more resistance to that than resistance bandsā€¦ Gotta figure out a way to harness that energy :laughing:

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