Forum upgrades: Quality of life improvements, Twitter, and more

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted one of these.

There have been a few new releases of Discourse in the meantime, though the last significant feature to be added was two-factor authentication.

We’ve also had a bot automatically posting articles from the front page publishing system to the forum for awhile, and now there is also a system automatically posting new articles to Twitter.

Oh yes, courtesy of @Entity, we have a Twitter account:

The release of Discourse Beta5 and Beta6 have been less eventful, with a few user experience improvements, and lots of features for staff. Some we might use someday, but right now it’s not that useful. More details on the Discourse Meta:

Aside for the updates Discourse is pushing out, I have a lot of ideas which I’ll hopefully get to start executing in the next week or two, as well as requests that will start getting implemented.

Hope ya’ll enjoy 'em, and please remember to use the Site Feedback category liberally for feedback.


Sounds good. :ok_hand:

Edit. Let us know if you need help with anything.

Thanks for the update @SIGSTART. I can’t wait to hear what the new ideas are. I know I lost some steam on driving activities and stuff due to work load, but I’ll continue to help where and when I can.

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Do you manually update things? Or is it automated?
Also, don’t enable the “Require category selection before writing topic” setting as we won’t be able to post from mobile then, seeing that you have to set the categories only after you have posted.

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Not sure if it’s a config issue or a bug in Discourse itself but I’ve noticed that if you mute a topic, but are still Tracking it, you get the blue bar notification but after you click on it or refresh, there is nothing there.

That is a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong standing issue, the one that drives me insane

It’s semi-automatic. I have to pull the trigger, but everything else is handled. So I’ve been using a testing instance of the forum to make sure the update doesn’t explode anything, then I roll it out to the actual forum.

A lot of the new features aren’t that useful to us. I definitely won’t be enabling require category selection, or require tag selection. I wouldn’t do that without making a proposal and calling a vote, anyway.