Free Games (Steam/Origin/Epic/GOG/Prime)

Day 8 of Epic Games Store’s 15 Days of Giveaways

Fallout Classics Triple Pack

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

You’ve just unearthed the classic post-apocalyptic role-playing game that revitalized the entire CRPG genre. Make the right decisions or you could end up as another fallen hero in the wastelands…

Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

Fallout® 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed game that took RPG’ing out of the dungeons and into a dynamic, apocalyptic retro-future. Mastering your character’s skills and traits for survival, Fallout® 2 challenges you to endure in a post-nuclear world

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

Tactical Squad-Based Combat comes to the Fallout® Universe! In these dark times, the Brotherhood - your Brotherhood - is all that stands between the rekindled flame of civilization and the howling, radiated wasteland.

Next up is a muscled torso?


Free for a limited period on GOG:

Greak: Memories of Azur


Day 9 of Epic Games Store’s 15 Days of Giveaways


A tactical sci-fi RPG set in an alt-1970’s, where an enormous and inexplicable artifact –the Dome– is discovered in a remote desert. Fight enemies, explore the anomalous wasteland, level up your character & join one of the forces in the ruined world.

Tomorrow, we have Metro? Or a train game? Or a transport sim of some sort? Yeah, that M is definitely the one from the Metro franchise. Not sure which of the specific games it’ll be though.


Its gotta be Metro Exodus.

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Oh man, I forgot to do my redeem for yesterday’s epic. Thankfully I’ve got them on GOG already :smiley:

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Day 10 of Epic Games Store’s 15 Day of Giveaways

Metro: Last Light Redux

Ahh well, was also hoping for Exodus, but this is a goodie for those that don’t have it. Was given away on EGS before though. If you don’t have it, Exodus is on a pretty good sale price there at the moment, especially if you combine it with something else to get the total above R239 and get an extra 25% off that price.

Christmas Day tomorrow, but the giveaways keep coming. The symbols look like a soldier’s dogtag necklace to me. And combined with the colour scheme, I sense we’ll be seeing dead strands in 24 hours time.


Death Stranding would be a huge giveaway. Dog tags also make me think of Gears of War so we’ll see tomorrow.


It would…too bad its still on a shit platform :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: so shit people can’t even sign in properly now to redeem it :smiley:


I’ll let @GregRedd do the pretty’d up post but EGS gave us a lekker Christmas present with Death Stranding Director’s Cut Edition! Which is pretty EPIC if you know what I mean :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Day 11 of Epic Games Store’s 15 Days of Giveaways

Death Stranding

From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes an all-new, genre-defying experience. Sam Bridges must brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Carrying the disconnected remnants of our future in his hands, he embarks on a journey to reconnect the shattered world one step at a time.

Well look at that. Nice one EGS. Now if only I could log in to my account and claim it, that would be aces.

Turns out it’s the base game and not the director’s cut version. Still, quality giveaway.

Gift wrap clue for Day 12 is a very familiar looking fist bump icon (that I cannot place) with… I want to say rabbit ears?, on it.


Guess it’s a popular giveaway… Or Kojima-san changed his mind at the last second and EGS are scrambling to save face :smiley:


Looks like I might actually have been half right…

The free game linked from the main page now goes to the standard edition of Death Stranding, not the Director’s Cut. I think they made a mistake, realised it after a few minutes and then took their login server offline so that they could fix it. I currently still can’t log my account in, but when I do, it’ll be base game for me.

Anyone quick enough to have claimed the Director’s Cut version? I’d be very curious to hear if they leave it in your library or change it to the base game.

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even base game is unavailable for me


Same thing for me now. I am at least logged back in now, but both the Base Game and Directors Cut are unavailable.

Someone at EGS is having a really bad Christmas Day shift :expressionless:

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Just claimed it, no hassles. Now return to your family, EGS IT support staff member.


Standard edition showing for me now. Had the Directors Cut showing earlier but when I clicked GET it got stuck on loading. Then after a few attempts it had the Directors Cut at -40% off rather than 100%

I guess someone made a mistake with the editions. It was expected that it would be the standard edition being given away, hence it was surprising when the directors cut version showed up. Big misstep, instead of people being happy to get Death Stranding as a giveaway, there’ll be people grumpy that they didn’t get the DC version.


Yip, you will never please everyone! I am chuffed though. Its a game that has always intrigued me but I would never buy it.


I started playing it when it launched on Game Pass a while back. It’s definitely an odd one, but very intriguing. Looking forward to continuing playing it, and now I don’t have to worry about it leaving the subscription before I get to finish it!


I claimed both :smiley:

I was lucky enough to be able to claim the DC before their servers had a meltdown. And then this morning I thought I might as well claim the base game in case they decide to remove the DC. I’m installing the Director’s Cut now.


Score!! :partying_face:

Probably a safe bet to claim both just in case.

Those of us with only the base game can buy the DC upgrade which is currently on 40% off sale at R105.59. Sadly it doesn’t qualify for the extra discount with the Holiday Sale coupon. Still, R106 all in for the version of the game that would normally cost R600 is a decent deal.

Here’s an IGN post highlighting the main differences to help you decide if it’s worth the upgrade. (It’s based on the PS5 version, so not all the changes would be relevant here.)