Free games that should be on your To Play list

So many times we look at free games and just ignore them because how can a free game be any good. Well, I’ve rounded up some of the best free games available on Steam right now which are actual games, and not visual novels or that Japanese stuff.

Iron Snout - User Score: 99%, Metacritic Score: 98%

The Expendabros - User Score: 97%, Metacritic Score: 97%

Floating Point - User Score: 92%, Metacritic Score: 95%

Epic Battle Fantasy 3 - User Score: 92%, Metacritic Score: 95%

How about you share some of the free games you’ve been enjoying here!


Alien Swarm Reactive Drop is really fun.

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If you’re a fan of Westwood’s old games, you absolutely have to try this:

Full multiplayer support included.

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