I have something to contribute - although it was pretty much confirmed by his honest post - @DieGrootHammer is definitely a townie. I’m not sure if I should disclose how I know this in case it reveals my ability, but I can honestly say that he is not Mafia.
If you are a Cop, keep in mind GF comes up as innocent
Good news everyone! We all made it out alive and we took out a mafia.
I fell asleep after casting my vote, so didn’t get to respond to this, but I did vote.
Yup you did. But not very active or contributing much to hunting maf
That’s his play style, in almost every game!
Just call me Stanley Kirk Burrell
True. But people don’t listen to old people these days…
@Snowbeast and @MalicE were last two to lynch, but may have been acting to cover up their identity as previously mentioned, from what I’m seeing you guys discuss. That makes sense, but…
@DarthMol claims @DieGrootHammer is a townie. Couldn’t they be in cahoots? and with @Flex mentioning the cop thing that DGT could be GF…
This seems a little suspect. if everyone in town believes you’re mafia, why would the mafia try and kill you? Is that a valid mafia strategy, to kill off townies suspected of being mafia? For the record, I didn’t think you were mafia, but now I’m not too sure.
I was waiting for the hammer. As stated numerous times. It’s the little pleasure I get from this game. Plus that was an easy choice for me. He dropped a vote on me right out of the gate for no reason
Not an investigation - let’s just say that if he was Mafia I’d be dead
Ya, I’m just thinking out loud.
Mmmm… Now I am very confused.
you are not the only one
Im still not sure who is who and what they do
So he visited you N1?
Since you say you do not have an investigation role. Did he somehow protect you, and you were notified that it was him that protected you?
High Fives on a successful lynching Townies. But let’s be honest, we got a little lucky there. As @Snowbeast suggested, the odds were on a Day 1 lynching being a Townie.
I didn’t realize that the Mafia could chose not to kill anyone overnight. Personally I think they did try and their target was protected somehow. I honestly expected either myself or @Flex to be swimming with the fishes this morning. Do players get told if a failed attempt was made on their lives?
Is the fact that no-one was killed also an indication that there is no Killer involved in our setup? Or do Killers also get to opt out of a nightly kill? Or is it possible that 2 Townies were protected individually - that seems a little unlikely to me.
You do not HAVE to kill. You can decide not to use your action. Same as any other role.
I do think however that there are only 2 factions. Town and Mafia. Not likely that Maf and SK did not make a kill.
OR Doc blocked 1 kill and other faction decided not to kill.
I just want to know what proof @DarthMol has. Talking in riddles does not help much.
By saying he guarantees @DieGrootHammer is town, and would like to know how he is so certain. He said he is not a cop.
As for the notice from mod according to action will have to be asked to the mod @Talentloos . He can let us know if he wants, but does not have to. It is one of those things that mods can play with a bit
Are you suggesting that @DieGrootHammer stopped the Mafia from killing you and protected you because he has a role with ability to do that? If he does have that power, why was he so willing to sacrifice himself when he went AFK yesterday? He said :
If he was that concerned about being a downer on our mood wouldn’t he also have suggested that he has a special role (as you did) and encourage us to keep him alive so that he could aid the Town with his special action?
you speaking in heavy code here…
Are you covering for a maf by any chance?
As I learned, wording is everything
I see some people are questioning all the claims of my role. Well, I honestly don’t know how else to convince the vox populi about my role. If you don’t believe me or @DarthMol, that’s on you.
But, whoever is the Doc, take note, because I now have a huge target on my back.
Also, I would rather focus on the people that have been quiet or have had no comment on the loss of a mafia scum. There are a lot of people lying about their role, trying to deflect the attention to people that are obviously townies, such as myself. Whether or not I have a power does not concern you right now.
How would he know this, though? I was under the impression these things aren’t communicated.