well if I stick with the AFK vote then czc is next in line. he has posted the exact same number of times as Blaz

CZC and Beo both on my list. More than being AFK, the fact that czc did not vote is what is making him look suspicious

Ja I can agree with that. And Iā€™m still not sure what to make of Wyv, Snowbeast and Gregā€¦

I am happy to try lynch czc before end of today . I am more than happy to try start the wagon moving

Iā€™ll join, I had voted blazz for afk, but he has an excuse so Iā€™ll jump on board

##vote @czc

Lemme then jump on the afkbandwagon vote

##unvote @Blazzok
##Vote @czc

This is more than just afk wagon. We canā€™t keep on relying on afk votes

needs to be ##vote @name

PSA: Blaz is flying back today so heā€™ll be with us on Monday again. That is all

Did he tell you this is some other secret group?

no in one of my whatsapp groups

Suureeeā€¦ nice Photoshop skills though!

ā€¦why? itā€™s like you want me to distrust and vote for you

No thats not what I was saying! O_o
Why so quick to point fingers and get so defensive?

seriously? where did I point a finger???

I just donā€™t understand your actions

I will let it go this timeā€¦ <3

Well Iā€™m going to play some Grim Dawn now till the AFKs decide to grace us with their presence

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AHhh the vanishing act! Very clever :wink: