removes pants and sits in the corner

Oh wow, please share!

It would make sense for Mom to turn me, Fry, against everyone seeing that I’m the main character in the show, but there are others she has turned.

You will laugh at this one… Vanilla Townie - my weopon is my vote, I have no night actions.

I’m inquisitive by nature.

Cards on the table - I hope to piece together the townies leaving out the mafs and get em lynched.

I have been too wreckless in this game to have any real power I need to protect. Go see how cautiously I played last game.
If i get lynched I get lynched, but I dig mafia and want it to become a weekly thing on here.

two groups?
Can one assume it’s the mafia 2 group and the mafs group?

Did you slip up there Mr Mod?

The Vanilla Townie claim is the oldest in the book. Can’t be counter claimed.
So why bluff and say you have a spread sheet? And why ask the question if it is not related to your role at all?

Haha. Oops

was kicked from a WhatsApp group.

Non related to the forum nor mafia.

Agreed with this sentiment, however GregRedd still gives off scummy vibes so my vote remains there.

Screenshot or it did not happen

Can’t really go off vibes. Either vote for AFK (Wyvern and Darth) , Blindly or if someone said something that makes no sense(Snow), or if someone slipped up(Beo)

Fair enough, without providing a screenshot I cannot prove it.
I seriously do have a spread sheet. It’s how I keep track of things. Don’t need it role specific, but it keeps me busy, the question was out of interest.

Story check out!

Waiting for VC. But I think my vote is going onto Snow.
His stories just do not line up very well

##vote snowbeast


There are maybe six active people on here and seven votes needed for a lynch :eyes:
Please leave the foosball table alone

Votes to lynch

Entity votes to lynch -7
CZC votes to lynch -7
Murfle votes to lynch -7
Malice votes to lynch -6 (Entity)
GregRedd votes to lynch -4 (Beo, Hammer, Snowbeast)
Flex votes to lynch -5 (Wyv, Murfle)
Darthmol votes to lynch -6 (Flex)
Beo votes to lynch -7
Hammer votes to lynch -7
Blazzok votes to lynch -7
Wyvern votes to lynch -7
Snowbeast votes to lynch -6 (GregRedd)

Sorry, overslept this morning - very late to work and all that

@GregRedd is suddenly very huffy and puffy, why so defensive dude?
##Unvote Flex