I just signed up for another month of ultimate at R15.90. I thought it was a one time offer only. Not complaining though. Now I can finish Hellblade and try out Streets of Rage.
And Alan Wake, 10th Anniversary!!! Woah, time flies. An Alan Wake retrospective post to coincide with the 10th anniversary could be a nice post for one of the Brute Force participants to make to the main site… #justsaying
Why do we have some many issues with our computers and software, and yet still keep doing these things to ourselves?
What did you answer?
Found this note:
If you see the message “Selected drive is not set up to install games” your drive is not provisioned and installation access is denied. To fix this:
Either select the link under the message to go to Settings, or press the Windows key and selecting Settings > System > Storage. Select Change where new content is saved.
Using the menu under Where apps will be saved to , choose the drive you want.
The blue boxes is the answer I get when trying to install it to the drive I want to - xbox games are too big for my poor ssds
So I want it one specific drive - but nope because it used to be installed there it cant.
I shall try the reddit route for help otherwise I will unsubscribe
The sad thing is I was on chapter 4 of the game and I was really enjoying it - except the rats. Those gave me nightmares