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EA Play finally coming to xbox game pass for pc, litterally one week after I bit the bullet and got it on Steam. Anyone know if my Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order save will transfer to xbox?


I don’t think so eh.

As far as I know, Jedi Fallen Order has no cross-save functionality, nor does EA Play. I think you’ll even be lucky to have access to that save on PC with the two platforms of Steam and Game Pass. As far as my understanding is that games under the Game Pass label save files are quite complex or locked within their platform.


Then I’ll stop playing immediately! :smiley:
Thanks for the info @Beo!

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You’re welcome. I hope it helps or is at the very least accurate information.

But then again, hopefully you weren’t too far into the game that it feels like wasted time or progress in order to get bac kto the same point in the game.

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I’m about 90 minutes in, so its just deep enough that I like the game enough to restart, but no so deep that it’ll be too much of a chore.


Is ea play now live on gamepass for pc or am I early? Not seeing any ea games my side yet

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Probably only when the Americans wake up will it be active


Guessing west coast as its nearly 11:00 in New York.


Found this:

EA Play, EA’s games subscription service, will be available as a perk for Xbox Game Pass subscribers on PC beginning Thursday, March 18th, at 5PM ET, Microsoft and EA announced on Wednesday.

5pm ET = 11pm SAST


It’s available - front and center on the main page when you open the XBOX app:


Has anyone managed to get the EA games working on PC? When I try to install any game I just get an error that says “could not download EA desktop” even though it already is on my PC.


Have you tried the steps in there?

I just need to try it later when I am at my home pc

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Yup. I even tried uninstalling the desktop app first and then following the steps again, but I get the same error.

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Maybe try again tonight?

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Yeah I’ll keep trying every now and then. I’m not really in a rush to play anything, just want to set it up.

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Going to try in about an hour or so. Will track my steps and let you know how it goes.

Meantime, been seeing a lot of Reddit and Twitter posts highlighting issues with it, but none with your specific message and problem. Lots of “game download won’t start” and “EA doesn’t recognize my account, can’t link to Xbox” sort of things.

Some suggestions that a lot of the account linking issues are from Game Pass Console subscribers trying to access the PC side of life. EA Play on PC is only available to Game Pass Ultimate and Game Pass PC subscribers.

Also a suggestion that download issues may be linked to EA servers being slammed by the US users for the first evening of availability there. Should be quieter from about now as the Yankees go to sleep, but Europe coming online now, so EA server things may still be a little rough for a while as everyone jumps in to try it first.

Plenty of reports of people having no issues and happily playing EA games as well, so it must be working for some.


This is what I get:

I don’t know why there just isn’t an option to manually link your Xbox account to EA.

Okay, it’s working for me, but not quite how I expected it to.

  1. Started and logged in to both EA Desktop and Xbox (They both use GregRedd as the account name, but they have different email addresses):

  2. In the Xbox app, followed the links from the main page to the EA Games, found one that I’ve never installed on my EA/Origin account:

  3. Hit “Install” option on the Xbox app, and got an error message pop up:

  4. Did as the message suggested and logged out and exited the EA Desktop app. And then tried the “Install” option in the Xbox app again. Took a moment or two, then the EA app launched itself, seemingly connected to a new, empty EA account specifically for Game Pass. (It’s name is my Xbox name with “XB” added to the end), no existing EA games or friends connected to the account at all. Prompt with the download options for the game appeared:

  5. Now I have an EA Play game installed on my machine, am able to see it in both the Xbox and EA apps, and presumably can run it from either - there’s “Play” buttons on both:

If I launch the game from the Xbox app, it opens my new “GregReddXB” profile and plays using that. If I launch the EA app by itself, it signs me into my original “GregRedd” account.

I’m guessing that because the email addresses didn’t match, it couldn’t link the two existing accounts, so now I have a fresh new EA account for just my Xbox Game Pass installs, and my original EA doesn’t seem to be linked to my Xbox account at all. The only other thing I can think of that may have an impact on all of this is the fact that I still have an active EA/Origin Play subscription running that auto renewed late last year because I stupidly forgot to cancel the thing.

It’s maybe not an entirely bad thing - this way my daughter can carry on playing her Sims 4 stuff on the original account, and I can use the XB one to play other things at the same time. Expect a EA Friend request from “GregReddXB” soon… :smiley:


So far my experience has been error free, and it’s picked up my install Origin games. I do have the same email address for both account though.

Busy installing CnC Remasterd


Yeah I still can’t get it to work. Don’t know what the issue is. Oh well.

If I go to account management in EA it shows it is linked to my Xbox account but it still shows the old account name from before I changed it. No idea how to fix that.

I found this on reddit so it definitely is not just me: