[GameClub 13] Batman: Arkham Knight

I finally did it. All riddles solved.

I might actually get the full ending this time.
@Mottamort, yes I misspoke earlier. It isn’t multiple endings, but rather partial endings.

Also, first time I did this (although this happened fairly early in the game since I did New Game+).

I should finish the game on Friday.


I got here again…


Man, that was a gut-punch moment. I think @murfle and I reacted in the same way. Upon reflection I was disappointed in the way Batman’s reaction was scripted.

Just a tip to avoid a game-breaking bug.
After you’ve been on the Stagg airship, do not go back there before the main story mission tells you to.
And when you do go back, make sure you enter through the nose, not the route you took the first time. I was hunting for riddler trophies and lost a lot of gameplay due to the bug.

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I’m not sure what you mean…Its not reality TV, the whole story is scripted :smiley:

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Did you not perhaps confuse @Mottamort with @murfle again?


Very interesting if he did…seeing as I didn’t really react to it… so unsure how he then reacted to it :smiley:

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Nope! @murfle was in my Twitch stream when I got to that part. We both just kind of sat in stunned silence.

Yeah, I mean I don’t like the way it was written. I think I was expecting more rage.

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I dunno, I felt it was appropriate. Remember, its been a long night…he’s been hit a few times with the fear gas… he’s defeated for a moment… for a split second he’s lost all fight and determination…I almost think joker brings him back there.

but thats my 2c. This time around I wasn’t even paying attention to the scene, I was trying to screenshot it without any text spoiling what happens hehe

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I think I hit a bug but will be Googling more later

About 40% into the campaign, you need to find a captured commissioner Gordon and convince him to team up against Scarecrow. So I track him down, cross an underground electrified water channel, sneak into a grating, and convince a guard to open the shutters. About 20 armed gunmen then open fire onto the Bat-mobile outside. I cannot climb out of the grating, and I cannot go back the way I came in, and I cannot remote control the Bat-mobile…

I am now stuck here and restarted the mission a few time with the same results.

if its where i think it is, you are under them all and “voice” a guard to open shutter…you are def meant to be able to remote the car, thats the next step. maybe just try get closer to batmobile (there is a range limit on remote)? it won’t necessarily prompt you, i just spam my = key (default bind i believe).

Haven’t gotten there yet on newgame+ so i’m working off memory here :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, thats the exact place. I might have to try an earlier save, or go do another side missions first to reset it. Thanks!

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Yea just got to that place. told guy to open shutter, immediately pressed = and went to remote…and i’m SPEEDrunning and ignoring the side quests (altho if one pops up when im going past i do it))


Since F1 league got postponed, tonight will be just me and the Bats :wink:


The more I’m playing the more I’m enjoying the game. Getting the Arkham feeling again, although I’m hoping for more of those classic interiors like in Asylum and in City.

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You’ll like some of the expansion stuff then. Most of those take place within a building of some sort (if memory serves me anyway…)

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I must grab the season pass then. I’ve only got the base game on Steam

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Ooooh, achievement for completing it on NewGame+…



Done and dusted.

DLC also: