The critics has got a point towards endgame, it is a very short campaign. That is my biggest issue with it - at least you are starting when most of the minor bugs got fixed.
I love the game, but yea it needs more content. And a better system to sort out pets.
Started this up now. Went with the robot class and flaming destroyer relic. Enjoying it so far, but it feels very different form Torchlight 2, not in a bad way mind you.
I have started my Torchlight journey on the XB1. First time playing an ARPG with a controller. I must say it works quite well.
I went for the interesting Railmaster class with his miniature train cruising around. The big hammer is a lot of fun to hulk smash with and the shock passive I have helps clears crowds really well.
So far the game is simple ARPG fun. It’s quite streamlined and offers a generous amount of quality of life features. Such as unlimited town portalling. That’s already on top of the fact that you pet can run to town to sell off extra gear (always like that feature).
A couple of times now my pet have disappeared. I googled it the first time it happened and apparently it’s a bug and to get a pet again you have to go swap pets.
It is quite different. I actually found that I enjoyed using a rifle more on the Railmaster so I can kite around, managing my train to either stay put or follow.
I finished Act 1 yesterday. I’m so powerful now. For some reason I was very lucky last night when it comes to drops. Now I just breeze through everything.
I have a very sneaky way of playing though. I think that with the robot class I’m supposed to use the whole heat system but I respecced and don’t use that at all.
I’ve got everything on lightning. Basically whenever I hit stuff I do electricity damage and that one um something bar goes up quickly and then I have this lightning that does a crapload of damage the whole time to enemies on the screen. It works so well.
It is why there are so many complaints about the game, when it works tho, it is perfect. I love the idea of the game, just wish they fixed the game once and for all