[GameClub] Game 3 Nominations

My dilemma is do I play number 1 first and then 2 or should I just go for 2?

I started playing Dust: An Elysian Tale so far it’s alright

I absolutely loved the first game! I don’t think it’s necessary to have played the first, but playing the sequel first will spoil the first one, due to the number of improvements they’ve made to the game. Playing the first one first will make you appreciate the changes (and updated graphics) so much more…

Just stick with it. I only really got stuck into it on my second run of the game, after giving up about an hour into the game my first time around. Once I got a hang of how the quests and abilities tie up I ended up enjoying it a lot. It was also refreshingly light, compared to the seriousness and dark tone of pretty much all modern games.

You have played Ori, right?

Poll is up! In the first post. :slight_smile:

@Solitude @Entity @Wyvern @FarligOpptreden @FriedPet @Blazzok @Pr0fPyr0 @Talentloos @czc @Beo @DarthMol @murfle

Vote for all the games you would like to play. You can change your votes as often as you want until the closing time as specified in the first post.


Oooo it’s close between the top two games. Only one vote separating it.

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I went to go read up on Deus Ex, Didn’t know anything about it. I see it was a previous free game on PS Plus so I saw I have it already. Gonna change my votes to get it rather, just need to download it if it wins.

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Oh hey, look at that. I didn’t think I had it. Guess I have no excuse not to try it if it wins.

I’m not changing my vote though :slight_smile:

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Guys remember you can vote for multiple games. Also um two people nominated Obduction and yet there are no votes for it.

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Yes, Because I saw now I already have Deus Ex, Obduction I would have had to pay for :slight_smile:


Mad max
Vermintide 2
Killing Floor 2

@TechThief, you are way too late. :stuck_out_tongue:

We are in the voting stage. The poll is in the first post.


Ahh i see, i kinda just jumped in without reading too much :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d love to play Deus Ex, yet I don’t own it yet, weirdly. Will just buy it if it wins.

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It was part of Humble Monthly last month. I already owned it, so I have a spare key just lying around now…


You’re not saying it, but it sounds like you’re willing to part with it :slight_smile:

If you are, I would suggest we wait and see if it wins, and if it does, perhaps do a mini GA for the guys who voted for Deus Ex but don’t own it yet.

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What would I do with a spare game key? Not like I could sell it or anything like that… But yeah, let’s see what transpires at the end of voting.


I’d be keen on this idea! I’ve been entering all the giveaways on Steamgifts but the chances in those public giveaways are minute.


Here! You can vote in the first post. The nominations have been done.

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For anyone not wishing to scroll. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is in the lead.

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There should be a go to top button in my opinion. Maybe next time I’ll put the voting in a different thread to the nominating.

Its actually easy to get to the first post. Just click on the top date in the side scrolling thing.