[GameClub] Game 9 Nominations

how dare you. i think you have me confused with @Hiro.

Also thanks for calling out our private conversations @Solitude. i thought we had something special going on…


He only plays kiddy games. Trying to touch his inner child (inappropriately)


Ja Syndicate was a fucking snoozefest. Origins is great. Odyssey is a pile of kak.

All Assassins Creed games are* bad.

*Based on personal opinion from playing the first two games.


I loved Origins and wouldn’t mind playing it again. Especially after playing the best Assassin’s Creed game ever made, Odyssey. I seriously had more fun playing Odyssey than playing RDR2

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I did too at first and then something happened. I don’t know what but suddenly I found both Odyssey and RDR2 equally dull.

I enjoyed the bit I played of both. Syndicate I’m about 8 hours in on PS4 and loved the experience. Interest in other games, baby raising and work commitments caused me to shelve it for now. Origins was equally, if not slightly more enjoyable. Same reasons for shelving it, but I might just play it again due to it being on my laptop and I’m sans desktop and console for the foreseeable future.

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Well, I’m open to starting a new long game since I’m done working over weekends for now and I still have a few months before the twins pop out, so I guess I should make the best of my remaining free time.

If Origins wins, I’ll look to get it on special somewhere.


You can get it for $12 from Humble Bundle. It’s in the latest monthly bundle.

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I got a random $3 off the Humble Monthly thing.


We demand pics of the event, aiight?

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I wonder where I will sit with AC Origins. I hated AC1, loved AC2. The rest were OK, and AC revelations or AC3 was the last one I played, didn’t play any from Black Flag onwards.

And Ask @FarligOpptreden and @Flex - if you want some unique onesies - gimme a shout! :stuck_out_tongue:

Jis I still have to send you pics!!

Yeah definitely!! So cool!
I think Luke has already grown out of his one though! Insane how quickly they grow!

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You can always take the onesie and cut out the painting and frame it for the room

It’s too cold for onesies right now. We dress our boy in the onesies as an undergarment, then another warmer layer on top. We even reverted to buying him a thick, fluffy wind-breaker jacket when we take him for walks in the afternoon.

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I feel like I might have derailed this thread. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We are due on 10 July so pretty much in the middle of winter.

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I can always make new ones :stuck_out_tongue:

@Viper - we are experts at derailing

Besides asscreed is winning so meh :stuck_out_tongue:

Only a short amount of time to go!

And the winner is Assassin’s Creed: Origins!

Topic here: [GameClub] Assassin's Creed: Origins

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