Make cool wallpapers out of any molecule. Try stuff like caffeine or sugar or just about anything. Pretty cool!
I put caffeine as my desktop. When I’m nodding off I can just lick my screen now.
I put DMT, now whenever I look at my screen, my brain plays it’s own screensaver.
I remember my old supervisor had a photo of a DMT crystal as his wallpaper. During a business meeting, a client asked what it was, to which he responded, “A crystal”
That’s actually one thing I really wanted to try in University but could never get my hands on.
@aldyr doing whatever it takes to gain a position in T1! Turning his GT-R into a GT-Air!
(For clarity’s sake, he got a disconnect before he even reached T1, and as such he did not have a pleasant evening at all. Kunos considers this something similar to mechanical failure and there are no rejoins. It sucks)
That’s not me, I was in a Ferrari. I’m done with MNR. I’ve had 4 DC’s to date, and a lot more crashes. Wait a whole MSP week, to get DC’d. Hou it.
I feel your pain!