At least AI can provide us with some good images for jokes
That’s a nice looking van. And a super weird coincidence. It’s a sign, I tell ya, a sign!
There’s a phenomenon about things like this. When you see one random thing and it lodges in your brain you all of sudden start seeing that thing everywhere.
Thank you ChatGPT: The phenomenon you’re referring to is called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, also known as the frequency illusion. It occurs when something you’ve recently noticed, experienced, or learned suddenly appears ‘everywhere.’ This happens because your brain is now more attuned to that particular piece of information, so you’re more likely to notice it when it comes up again.
Found these at a charity store. Crazy old. Crazy expensive though. I should have asked if they still had the disc or manuals out of interest. I’ll probably go to it again some day.
Those are so cool! Look like mint condition
I’m guessing the offer to get on the internet for free for one month through CompuServe when you buy Tomb Raider has expired
Interesting one ;-). Last week the power switch on my PC stopped working. I then just swapped the reset sw and power sw on the motherboard and … voila! I have a new power switch for another year