When you look at your gaming library for something to play, but find nothing but indecision, might we suggest delving into the wealthy pit of Indie games?
Don’t know about the others but can definitely vouch for But Not Tonight. Neat graphics style, cheesy music, droll British puns and one-liners, and all the socio-political subtlety of a swinging a sledgehammer in a china shop.
And they’re not entirely done with it yet either, recently asking players what they’d like to see in an Endless Mode option:
In between fixing stuff up and adding more translations for the game, we’ve had a lot of requests for an Endless Mode for the game, where you could simply pick your own parameters and let people in to your heart’s content.
We have our own ideas for how this mode would look, but we thought it might be worth asking you what you’d like to see in such a mode! Right now we’re thinking:
Customisable difficulty
Customisable level and music
customisable level length and crowds
Pick which character is the bouncer
Online highscores
Twitch integration to make the people in line be your viewers