Looking for a golf game

I started a career last night. Played 3 rounds of 9. It’s a really relaxing game. The pressure gets intense when you a couple shots behind the leader. Seems to be well thought out.
No retakes so a crap shot can end in the rough and you have to work to get the momentum back. Really enjoying it

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Thanks! Think I might just get it…

I think Takealot had it on special

it was like R50 on the xbox store a few weeks ago

I unfortunately don’t have a wifi connection

did you start having a seizure at the end there…everything ok?

ADHD, mind was already on booking the real golf tomor… how did T-rexes hold on when doing it?

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I’ve got a PS4 and I see it’s cheaper on the PS store at R369. I’ll wait for a special before dropping the cash.