Mafia 3.0- You know what to do

Sounds Good.

@Snowbeast Snowbeast :chicken:
@Flex :chicken: ?

After thursday I can try

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Sorry, I’m just too busy to commit to this, just don’t have the time.

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I think it is almost time to start one again?

Im in again

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Me too :chicken:

In. 10 chars

:rooster: I am ready

Even if its a quick game with a couple people

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So far
@Wyvern @Snowbeast @Talentloos @DarthMol

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Okay nee seriously dis waar tyd vir so outjie!
We will def need more people though, 4 will not be enough

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good luck in finding moar I wanna start the SS stuff next month and hopefully that will bring more people back

SS already? You are worse than Checkers with their decorations!

Whats SS stuff? sounds like a WW2 game. lol just kidding.

Mew is telling me

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This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 27% of the replies here.

Are you sure you’re providing adequate time for other people to share their points of view, too?

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Hahaha I wanna get the ball rolling earlier as requested so that we have more time to look for gifts and not have stuff go missing over xmas

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Secret Santa

Guess it makes sense

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Any takers. I’ll even mod it although I’ve never done so.


You know what, I’m in!!


We need at least 10 people(exluding the mod)

I am in, also willing to mod

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Yeah, what the heck, I’ll give it a :chicken: