Mafia 3.0- You know what to do

Im in :chicken:

5 So far, 6 more then we can go ahead

I might get lynched for inactivity at some point, but I ainā€™t no :chicken:

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Why not :chicken:

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so far:

  1. @DarthMol
  2. @murfle
  3. @GregRedd
  4. @DieGrootHammer
  5. @Wyvern
  6. @Flex
    7ā€¦ Snowbeast
    need 4 peoples

I missed thisā€¦

Have not started yet

ill be in. chicken me

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With all the chickens being thrown around here I feel that this song is very appropriate:

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So, are we doing this?

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I hope so stupid 10 chars

8. @Talentloos
@MalicE you want the number 9 spot?

yeah Iā€™ll try and squeeze in some mafia time

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Game is playable with the amount of people we have currently

lets do it, been way to long, soon we will all forget how to play it

Shweet! You going to mod it right?

never done it before, but happy to give it a go

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#lynch @murfleā€¦I donā€™t trust that hozer

Oh wait we havenā€™t started yetā€¦

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have much time to defend myself this time aroundā€¦ Iā€™ll be gone the whole day on the 30th and 2nd as wellā€¦

Ugh, Iā€™m totally gonna be lynched.

Thatā€™s OUR word!!


Murfle, thats 6 days away, ive already allocated you a team. We will make a plan for you bud