MEW DiRT Rally League [MEWRL]

I’m gonna go with this.

Also, yoh! I’m done! My word that was harsh. The last race I was just pacing myself. I didn’t care about my time. I just wanted to do my best to not crash towards the end and then have to retry a whole 10km again XD
Regardsless, only finished 20/30s behind the next fastest time so I’m ok with that.

This was my car’s status before I started the last section.




That was grueling indeed, it became a battle of attrition over the last couple stages.
This was probably the last time i’ll play DR1, so thanks @GregRedd, for the very Dirt’esque send-off. 142 hours well spent :slight_smile:


Well Gregg did say he is done with setting the even up so believe this was indeed the sendoff. Which is fine, since I have DR2.0 now. Time to start some practice.


Congratulations to all that managed the complete insane final Dirt Rally event - you are all legends for even trying it, never mind seeing it through to the end, and I salute you all!

I missed the rally results screen (2 minutes after the end time, and it was gone?!) but grabbed the League Standings which show just the 5 who finished the event:


Which matches @oltman’s standings posted above, with the inclusion of @Dragonic’s times. The top 3 of @SlinX, @aldyr and @DarthMol seem solid, so that’s the result I used to compile the final League Standings for the 4th Dirt Rally League Season:

Welll done to all of you - not only those in Season 4, but everyone who managed to complete even one single stage in any of our Dirt Rally events this past year or so. It’s been super fun time all round.

As mentioned earlier, I’m stepping down from organising future Dirt Rally events in order to focus on Dirt Rally 2.0. If anyone does want to continue running DR1 events, raise your hand and we’ll get things set up for you chop chop. Otherwise, see you in 2.0… 2.0… 2.0…!


/me stands on a table



Thanks for taking over the organising of it Gregg. See you in 2.0!

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Cool so im ready to get last place. just needed to let you know i joined

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Sorry @z1oc, only picked this up now. Have accepted your Club join request so you should see the League races in you game now.

For the season we’re currently running you have been allocated the Citroen C3 R5 for the season. You don’t have to have to have to use it, but it’ll be cool if you did.

You still have the rest of this week to attempt Round #3 - The Monte Carlo Rally.

Thanks for joining in the dirty fun!

Edit - Just realized this is in the old Dirt topic. The correct one for the Dirt 2.0 League is here:

Will repost there.