MEW Multiplayer Evenings - MEWME

I KNOW! They really are pushing the horror of the game to the next level!

Side note… Takealot!

Finally, anyone keen for another bash tomorrow night?


I think load shedding will allow it until 11pm

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I will try, but may not get in until after 9:30-ish. I do think @Weasley wanted to try get in on a game though.

Don’t know if you two have friended on Steam? Let me do the introductions just in case:

@Oltman, Weasley. :handshake:t2: @Weasley, Oltman.

Strongly encourage anyone else who can to get in on this game tonight. It’s a lot of fun, and there’s space for 7 players in a game - the more the merrier the mayhem!


@Weasley and I are now friends on Steam :grin:


Will see you gents online tonight


What time-ish? I might start streaming something else, but I can probably change games and join in

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Just after 8-ish :wink:


space for 1 more?


of course, I am already in discord just chilling for anyone else who wants to join


Ping me on steam/discord/twitch/wherever to tell me when you’re all ready to go and I’ll hop in. Just streaming Minecraft until then

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Thanks everyone. That was interesting.


That was great fun everyone, full game really makes the game shine, a few survivor wins were possible now, but the monster is still a massive threat.


Yes, that was epic! We actually could have done 2 concurrent games!

Thanks to all! And sorry to @Weasley who just missed out… Again! :frowning:


Thanks all! I really enjoyed that, and it seems my viewers did too


Bloody heck! I logged into Minecraft today and couldn’t figure out what was going on… Y-axis is inverted, but I was all confuzzled!

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LOL! I had the same thing trying to play some Ghost Recon. It took my like 5 mins to get used to inverted again!

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ELI5 this inverted thing you keep going on about please.

How do you set it up? And why do you do it? Do you change it for all games, all controller types? Or only specifics? What’s the benefit? And if it’s so good, why isn’t it the default?

Seriously, explain like I’m 5.


When I was 5ish, I had Star Wars: The Arcade on my Atari 2600. When you pressed down, the crosshairs went up. When you pressed up, the crosshairs went down.

Just like the yoke of the actual arcade

That was it. I spent so many hours playing that game at an early age, and it’s muscle memory now. As far as I can remember, it wasn’t until Doom II that FPS had the ability to look up and down, but I would always set the controls as inverted. Even before then on the Commodore Amiga, there were games like Empire Strikes Back, in the style of Star Wars: The Arcade, that had the inverted Y-axis. I can’t recall any other examples, but it was the norm back then…

Then when I got an Xbox 360, I went into my profile settings, and they had an “Invert Y-axis” option, so any game that had competent enough people making the games would use that setting, and it would just be automatic.

Unfortunately, PC and PlayStation haven’t got that feature, so yes, I go into the options of each and every game and set the Invert Y-Axis option to true.

TL;DR: old dog doesn’t want to relearn tricks because some programmer(s) got lazy.

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BTW, I picked up Human: Fall Flat the other day. It’s R65 if you buy it bundled with the soundtrack. I was watching a streamer play it with viewers and I had to grab a copy.

Would anybody be interested in giving it a crack when Project: Playtime gets old?