Minecraft - the best selling game of all time

On the XBOX we followed this tutorial. It is a spoof DNS but not sure of how secure it is for the rest of your data.

But, because it is my sister’s laaitie I just added a static DNS entry in their router:

play.hivemc.com - my public IP

Then choose The Hive under the list of public servers.


Gotcha. so for a static route, you just have to know the DNS host of one of ones in your list. My only concern is that can change over time…

How long have you had this DNS entry in your static routes? Have you ever had to change it?

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Well, this was about 6 months ago. Kids. Attention spans. So they are no longer playing on my server… So I never had to change it.


Tried connecting and all went well from the Xbox. Our primary platform being Xbox as I do not own the java version but just downloaded it on the Mac as a trial.


Based on the results of the poll, the fact I’m the only one who own a full license for the java version, and the fact plugins take time (weeks/months) to get working with a new version, I think we should just go with the Bedrock server.

Since the launch date for 1.18 is supposed to be November 30th, we can aim for a 1.18 server to go live the first week of December.

If we go with the java version with Bedrock compatibility, some features are experimental to Bedrock users, which is all of us.

So… that being said, please vote:

Which server option would you like to see
  • Bedrock 1.18 with day 1 mods and more can be added later (mods TBD)
  • Bedrock 1.17 with all mods (mods TBD)
  • Java 1.17 with true-cross platform, with all mods (mods TBD)
  • Other (post suggestions in comment below)

0 voters

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As mentioned, I am not apposed to having a server that possibly hosts all versions, Java and Bedrock (Windows) versions. But as you say, possibly best scenario is to cater for the broader demographic.

Either way, I may likely buy the Java Edition regardless. I want to get my son a bit into keyboard and mouse gaming and usability.

That being said, what kind of mods are available on Bedrock (Windows) version? I was not aware of any.


I have both Java and Bedrock, but have found ease of use to certainly swing towards Bedrock.

Also, the first mod we need HAS to automated mining of some sort! :smiley:


haha that’s half the fun!


Well, you have to work to get the mining going, but but then you can focus on the MACHINES and the BUILDING!

See, MINECRAFT. MINE. CRAFT. Mine = 4 letters. Craft = 5 letters. Therefore the play should be proportioned similarly. I am willing to concede to a 50/50. But my games end up being a 99/1 Mining to crafting.


All this is certainly up for discussion, but I personally would prefer as close to vanilla as possible. For mods, I think things like being able to lock chests and/or areas to specific players would be beneficial.

We’ll also probably need to keep automated farms light. Like, no over the top Mumbo Jumbo style 5 bajillion sugar cane per hour redstone heavy contraptions and such.

Diamonds and ores should have to be mined. Iron farms are ok as long as you’re not messing up someone elses villagers. But those are all vanilla experiences. No ‘/give player diamond 64’ style mods.

I found having teleport is handy if you limit it to maybe 3 home locations, one for spawn, one for the end, etc…

I will have to look into what mods are available, but keep in mind they most likely won’t be available for 1.18 out of the gate.

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haha yeah, I get confused just watching him make those contraptions.

But yeah, I’m more of a Bdubs or Grian kinda guy. I just enjoy building things. If that comes with 20 hours of mining a requirement in order to do so, I accept that. Mostly because I don’t know nor understand all this redstone jargon.


Here’s a list of server properties I’m suggesting. Let me know if you think differently. A list of the rest can be found here
server-name: MostEpic.Win Minecraft Server
gamemode: Survival
difficulty: normal
allow-cheats: false
max-players: 16 (I don’t think we’ll go over that)
white-list: true. I’ll have to register everyone’s gamer tag(s) to be able to log in. This will prevent randoms from joining and griefing.
tick-distance: 12 (default of 4. This will help automated farms churn while you’re in another chunk working on a build. We can decrease that if performance is hit too hard)
player-idle-timeout: 20 minutes
level-seed: I think for day 1 of 1.18, we can test a bunch out and find a suitable one before spinning up the server

There’s also support for texture packs, but I’m fine with the default.

Now I did find this article which states “This is in its early development stages, so as with any early release software, it may have severe issues. Due to this support may be stopped at any time.” I’m still trying to find out if 1.18’s server will be available on day 1… I’m also not sure if the clients (Windows/consoles) are backwards compatible… All stuff I’m still looking into.

We’ll see though, if I can get skins and such working from bedrock on the java version, I might just go that route.

Geyser being the Bedrock->Java interface :slight_smile:

Is he still playing? I used to love watching his Ultra Hardcore runs on Mindcrack.


Dude, I been following his stuff for years, especially his solo world build that has taken about the last 9 years? But yeah, he’s been involved more and more in the Hermitcraft scene.

Also, Rendog, is a South African-British streamer, just FYI. I sometimes watch a bit of his content too.


Awh, man!

Would you be able to adjust after the fact, if more people do join in?

Other than that, it looks great and I look forward to griefplaying with you all.


OK, fine, lets keep Vanilla for most things, but build areas on a public server is a must. Nothing sucks as bad as building a fancy pants mansion and then find a bunch of genital statues when you get back…

As for redstone machines: I think if you can build it in vanilla you should be allowed. I have perfected the KFC of Minecraft and I am willing to share cooked chicken with everyone!


Up for discussion :wink:

Very easily, yes

We might not be able to do this out the gate. I don’t know how long before spigot or bukkit will be updated, and that’s where most of those kinds of plugins are available for. It’s looking like I’ll be able to do a java 1.18 server though, so that’s promising.

Up to a point, yes. If it starts killing the server with 6,400 chickens in a single chunk, I’ll have to take action.


Y’all getting me antsy for some Minceratf community shenanigans.


Ha, true. But my machine simpky hatches eggs, cooks adult chickens and stores them in a chest. The chickens do not multiply and the cooked chickens dont move around. Easy and simple. Plus, FREE CHICKENS! :chicken:

And in case it was not obvious, I am keen to play!


Awesome stuff :slight_smile:

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I can’t see a way on PS4, so I assume it is the same for all consoles, but does anyone have the Windows 10 version? Does it let you pick 1.18-pre5 to play with? Yes, I know 1.18-pre6 came out while I was working on 1.18-pre5, but while the java client connects fine, PS4 crashes out. I can’t rule out version incompatibility…

It seems promising though, and I’m learning quite a bit as I go. If we go with the java version with the cross-compatible plugins, it looks like it will be a couple days to a week before the cross-java/bedrock requirements are met…

So if anyone has the win10 client and can specify the pre5 beta, please try and connect.

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