Mix Movie Titles (Game)

This is meant as a fun little game. Mixing movie titles.

I’ll start with an example:

Indiana Jones: Tokyo Drift


Bridget Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

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Apocalypse Now: Staying Alive.
Enter the Dragon, Mary Poppins.

Does it have to be the full titles or can we chop them up a little? Does something like “No Dirty Dancing for Old Men” work?

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Sure. Almost anything goes here. Mix and match as desired.

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Star Trek …ummm, Star Wars. Damn, it doesn’t seem to work for me.

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The Loneliness of the Long Distance Blade Runner
Dumbo and Dumber
Finding Jurassic Park
American Beauty Pie
World War of the Worlds
Night of the Living Daylights
Four Weddings and The Hangover
The Silence of the Jaws
Star Trek Wars: Revenge of the Next Generation Sith
Dances with The Wolverine
School of Rocky
Jack Reacher: Risky Business Cocktail


Schlindler’s Sex Drive

The Life of The Hot Chick

Soooo many good ones here! Get a job, man!

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The Lord of the Rings: Reloaded

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As a creative writing teacher preferably.

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The Predator That Loved Me

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Pirates of Elm Street


Ready Dr Strange