Nioh (Complete Edition)

Nioh is a soulslike game by Team Ninja that was released on the PS4 earlier in the year and recently on Steam. It also added keyoboard and mouse support for the crazy people.

We are a couple of people who are currently playing it.

@Blazzok @Wlad and then @Talentloos also started but I think he may have given up.

Here we have a thread to discuss it.

I just finished that mine level with the poison. How far have you guys gotten?

First boss motherfuckers. but thats where i stopped. PUBG. its a part of my december list. yes, i am making a list to plan out my dcember games cause i have too many.

Are you checking it twice?

i have been checking it for weeks. Goddamn time limitations.

Did someone says "souls like "

I read an article a while back that the term should die. But man, I haven’t played a game that fits the term better than Nioh. It’s a souls like with Diablo style loot in essence.

but more difficult.

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I also find it more difficult than the Dark Souls series.

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what blasphemy is this … / praises the sun /

The poison mines were shit, but not as shit as what is coming next. Fucking water level shit!

I haven’t played in a while, so I’m not 100% sure where I am. 4th Region I think. I just know I got my ass handed to me several times by a Raven Tengu douche and a Flying Bolt combo. Still have to beat them.

It is a horrible combo to fight, because the one slows you when you get hit, and the other one is so fucking fast.

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Wow, you are far. I’m still in the second area. Luckily the mine level wasn’t that bad. I’m in a sub mission now where I was killed quite quickly by an enemy with a big tongue. Stopped there.

I’ve heard about the water level. Sounds hectic!

Oh yeah, big tongue guys (Onyudo) become more and more frequent and become quite frustrating to fight.

I need more time for games! Currently busy with Overlord, but I so desperately want to play Divinity 2 and Nioh. I don’t want to stop playing Nioh for too long for fear of losing the muscle memory and things.

How far have I gotten? Basically all the way. I platted the game on PS4. :sunglasses:

Played a “test version” on PC for a bit, but im still contemplating if I should actually double dip or not. Maybe end of December, just because it is so cheap on PC.

Oh, so I don’t count?

Of course you don’t. You havent even finished Dark Souls III yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and yes, Nioh is more difficult than Dark Souls at times. Sometimes way more difficult, but a brilliant fucking game. IMO it is better than Dark Souls, but just slightly under Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls.

Bullshit, that was finished long ago.

Really? That’s news to me. My bad. Replace Dark Souls with Bloodborne (DLC) then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also. You guys still have a long way to go. I can’t remember exactly right now but including all the DLC there are between 7 and 9 regions in the game.

And once you’re done with that there is still 4 more difficulties to get through as well the Abyss mode that is sort of like rifts in Diablo. Abyss mode has 999 floors.

You play Nioh? I didn’t know that. Also, you finished Dark Souls 3? When did that happen?

Hahaha, don’t know if I’ll have time for all the difficulties. I actually have other games I want to get to as well.

Same with Dark Souls, I started NG+ and got some ways in before I just got over it.

“Like” being the key word. As good as it is, I feel it still lacked the intangible “something” that makes Souls games so special.

Some of the gameplay mechanics are all GIMMICKY and pretty much unnecessary, like the stances. Fiddly and feel like they were crowbarred in, just to distinguish the game from Souls :thinking: