So 215/50 17 inch tyres are double the price of 215/40 17’s all these damn suv’s now the tires i want costs more, low profiles used to be the more expensive ones but they are costing less now
I’d say rather make a cricket thread than a sport thread.
Care to share a bit more?
Psst! Over here!
Which one-na y’all mothers are playing PUBG Mobile?
It’s only camping if you get kicked from the server for being ‘idle too long’.
What an absolute pleasure to meet @DieGrootHammer this fine, rainy evening! Even if it was very briefly (and for “business” reasons which cost him money) it was still nice putting a face and personality behind the Ed avatar.
Holy crap how did you manage a fast meeting? Was there no beer involved?!
Was a real pleasure meeting you too dude. And now I need to organise that long outstanding braai I owe you!!
Aaaand I’m out. Early night tonight. Need to be up at 3h30 again
Tired and have a headache. Moan moan moan
Have a good evening you all!
Aand good morning. It’s too early, but at least it’s Friday.
Standard day planned, need to do a bit of shopping and then MEWME later, which I’m always excited for.
Have a good day everyone
Mornin’ all
Can’t walk today. Man, they push us hard at practice.
Flip this rain, as nice as it is it’s causing so much havoc, water is damming up by our front door and by stoep so much so that the earthworms are climbing on to the stoep and dieing…
Morning people of the palace - send it to me wenzie please!
@murfle I feel the pain. I am struggling as well today. Legs are killing me. Weirdly right leg not so much the left.
Why, what were you up to last night?
The new exercises killed my legs - I was sore and stiff yesterday, today is even worse.
Greetings !!
Does anyone know how to embed videos on the front page ?
Depends on the source - youtube has an embed button you can use. is it for an article?
Thanks, let me see if its going to work
Morning peoples. Almost weekend.
it worked