Offbeat . . . Off Topic

122 messages, damn.

Can someone give me a TLDR? Or am I not missing anything important? Another hectic day, with a forecast of being at work tonight or very early tomorrow morning. Joy.


I felt the same. Just saw @wenzdayz’s pic of the F-Pace and had to comment…


Ja they are beautiful. Its the ultimate splurge car to buy if you have excess money. I want the peace is for everyday driving.

Evening people. I see no one did anything at work today :wink:

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Talking about cars though, this is my dream car: :heart_eyes:

Eendag wanneer ek groot is…


Yeah. It warns me every time



Aand I’m out. Enjoy the evening.

Aand good morning. Hope you have a good day. :tada::+1:

Morning everybody! How are you all today?

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All good here, and you?

Morning everyone. I ran out of milk this morning, so I didn’t have my wake-up cup of coffee. From there it all went down hill, and I ended up wearing light grey (NOT WHITE) socks with black shoes and black trousers. So I look comically fashion challenged.


I also ran out of milk two nights ago, so I’ve had black coffee two days in a row. Not the end of the world. Thankfully I stopped drinking sugar in coffee a few years back. I can do black coffee, but not black with sugar.

At least I got ice hockey this evening, something to look forward to, and a reason to get through today.

Give me a date and we will be there ! =D

All good thanks. :slight_smile:

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I actually owned one of my dream cars, but at that stage in my life it was not practical. Do miss it very much and should never have sold it looking back. 1964 VW Beetle
Here she is… The memories that were made in that car! Oh man!



Best time is early Spring.
A MEW camp out


I am def in!!

MEW camp out!!! Yes we are definitely going to do this. Spring time it is then. So say October?

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Lets make set a date and organize it? @Snowbeast ?

@DieGrootHammer @Flex I’ll put some thought into it and get a thread going