Offbeat . . . Off Topic

Hehe I was kidding, but she does great work - yell her she is gonna be a hit at uni/collage

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OMG I just started pit people I just want to dance the music is freaking brilliant.!


What a day. Had to go for some skidpan training in Pretoria today and had to be there at 8am, so that meant getting up before 5am so I could leave in time and only got home after 6pm. Long day was long.


Did you know you can do it here in SA as well through WIts University does a ancestry test as well.


No I didnā€™t know that, thank you for the link.
Wish they also had the genetic health service though

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Gnite. Canā€™t stay awake. Cu all tmrw.


Aand good morning! Hope you have a great day, if not then make it great.


Wow that sounds cheesy :grin: but you get what mean :+1:


woohoo! i made regular. iā€™m in like top20 or something.

sweet, does that mean i now get the keys to the secret clubhouse?
whats the handshake?
cryptic passphare?


Something like that, but with more flair. That is close to the secret password. The nuances that makes it secret must be learned first.

Also morning everyone.


Morninā€™ all

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Greetings !! Gonna have to work on friday :anguished:

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That sucks dude!

Morning people of the palace

feeling a bit more me today - that helps

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Morning everyone.


Morning all. My work PC is still giving me shit.

Ai tog, wat is die probleem?

Canā€™t connect to the network- theyā€™ve been making some changes over the last couple of days and itā€™s thrown my whole branch out of wack

Dont you just love it when that happens

My favourite this week was the boss deleting ALL his emails from his work laptop/pc/tablet and phone

Luckily we could retrieve it from the cloud

Love it. Adore it.

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