Offbeat . . . Off Topic

Wait, there are ads… oh… O_o

I have other sites that make this one run. And if you visit there in your internet travels then you will cost me money instead of generating some. So you are a mean ugly person.

Mean and ugly.

Which sites are these? whitelisting is a 1-click process…maybe you’re mean and ugly for coming onto the forum and calling me mean and ugly!

mean and ugly and a poopyhead.

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i never use add blockers


What about me? I whitelisted it from the start :frowning:

Ja, se hom!!!

alt 136 ê :wink:

No I meant se. Hond se dinges. Ja se hom. See?

/adds Wenz to the Awesome People List with czc

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In that case, you deserve whatever title we choose :grin:

It’s all just a popularity contest around here!

You are welcome to join me here in this corner, I have a fresh lasagne just out of the oven and most likely can find you a beer - its quiet here

Omg my car is in for a service and I am also carless. My boyfriend is driving me around and it’s a pain because I’m like super uncomfortable with other people driving (I may have some control issues).

Mostly though I hate burdening other people - AND I HAVE SHIT TO DO WHY IS LIFE LIKE THIS.

Solitude is creating dissent - splitting us into two camps!

The awesome people camp and the ugly mean people camp.

Do we get to choose or are we assigned?

Can I speak to the manager please?

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Holding thumbs for you man. Exciting/stressful times for you! :slight_smile: