Offbeat . . . Off Topic

Ugh I was hoping to be more active but first day back and super busy. Will post a bit later.

Don’t worry it’s always like that when we start with a new year.

thanks to this awesome CT weather the only thing I have on my plate today is to go fetch the Drone at ORMS :slight_smile:

Joburg is apparently going to hit 35 deg C

hello hello all!

and now im craving a pie and liquorice :neutral_face:

So I looked right at my second screen and somehow pinched a nreve I cant look up or right at the moment and I am dying, I popped 2 spasmed a hour ago and its barely dented my sufferering.

OOOH those are nasty, hopefully the painmeds start kicking in soon…although they should have kicked in already.

Good morning everyone!!

Good morning everyone! I hope all of you aren’t as busy as me and can relax and enjoy life.

Good Morrows!

good morrow, I am moving very carefully today terrified on hurting my neck/shoulder more , ah good times

Did you go visit a medical professional?

Morning all, sounds like everyone is having a wonderful start to the new year

Yeah, maybe go see someone about that. Sounds like you’ve pinched a nerve or something - physio should be able to sort it out for you.

Its a lot better today, was not fun at all yesterday, S# painkillers did not even stop the pain.

flip all the rain means chaos on the roads today!

Wish we had some rain.

Afternoon all.

Yup, it was chaos in Centurion. I could barely see past 6m ahead of me while driving home. Honestly some of the heaviest rains I’ve experienced in years.

Morning peoples.

Here by us we were expecting much more rain and chaos and in the end we just had a quick shower and that was it.
