Official Movie Trailer Thread

this is going to suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck and i have no intention of watching it, looks like it was made on an asylum budget

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Wow yes, it looks real bad

I didn’t think I would ever see a Doom movie worse than the first one.

I’ve always thought of Prince of Persia as Aladdin: The Video Game, for some reason.


Jafar doesn’t seem sinister enough. I also don’t like will smith, but that’s just my problem.


Jou kop raas :stuck_out_tongue:
I have to agree @Entity - Will Smith irritates me, I miss Robin Williams. And Jafar needs to be more menacing

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Karetaka (by the same developer) was also my “Karate Kid: The Video Game”.

All of these movies actually had tie-in video games, but what can I say… My koppie raas :smiley:

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DOnt worry you are in a good club - we are all a little nuts

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Uhm… no thank you?

I couldnt even finish the trailer


The best part was the ending :laughing:


So with last night’s loadshedding i watched the new Robin Hood movie with Taron Egarton, and what a bunch of horse sh1t that was, what a way to spoil a good old story. it was also like they couldnt decide in which era they wanted to be, then their outfits looked 1500’s and then like hunger games mixed with the 1800’s etc. it was also like they spent all their budget on the special effects and cast and had nothing left for proper writers or costume design. was really a crap movie


well it was made by guy ritchie the same guy that is making the new aladdin movie, and we all know how the reactions went when people saw the new trailer :nauseated_face: will smith doesnt look like a genie more like one of those blue people from avatar


Its the same eejit who made the King Arthur movie - I didnt get past the first 30mins in either of them

He is trying to make it what it isnt - hence the collapsing of eras he did it in king arthur as well. And the explosions and kak is OTT, he thinks all movies need to be michael bay movies


ja and the machine gun cross bows as well… little john not being “little” and Will seeing Marion etc it was just a mess of a movie, and then robin hood is called the hood (like he is a comic book figure, and he wears a blue face mask?!)


I think you have your British directors confused?

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my bad :wink:

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Must watch Must Watch Must watch :crazy_face: :astonished::sunglasses: i Cant wait for this