Opera GX Web Browser

A notification arrived this morning that Opera GX is available as a Beta.
I only use Opera Browser on my Laptop as it is rather minimalist.

Opera GX is marketed as a Gamers web browser.
It is incredibly customisable and fits my needs as a minimalist type browser - by minimalist I mean neat and tidy and not a million apps on the task bar.

The marketing material states you can adjust how much ram and cpu speed you would like to allocate to the web browser to optimise your gaming (which I am yet to play with), it has Twitch intergration (don’t use Twitch), integrated messenger (I Use the standard Opera one), a free browser VPN, the ability to watch a video like a walkthrough whilst gaming and a whole heap more.

So far I am enjoying the browser.

Read the things I don’t understand here


Let’s give it a try…

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Im also installing it

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What exactly makes it a specific browser for games?

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Installed it now. Can’t imagine opening this to Google something, go to FB or anything like that.

Seems nice for gaming news, but many sites for this.

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I think the nice thing about it is you can reduce the memory usage…

Alas, it is windows only so I won’t be trying it out…


I tried brave browser. That seemed to block all the ads, even on YouTube.

Now that my YouTube on Chrome works again I stopped using it.

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I barely browse when gaming, so I do not really have the issue