Outriders - A Co-op RPG

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Agreed. I am SO over day 1 launches for games. I have always felt this way but now… I am going to implement it for sure.

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Seems like the happy honeymoon is over for Outriders. Now the devs have to work doubly hard to sort things out and win back their players. Instead of delaying launch and getting it right (or at least better) first.

Another bad case of premature release.

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very nice!


If any of you haven’t played it yet, I highly recommend it. I wasn’t expecting much when I started it and then ended up being so addicted. Really loved the game.


I can echo @Solitude here. I gave the beta a go and was not impressed, but once I started playing with @Nosferatie this week, and levelling up a bit, I have to say that it is quite a bit of fun! I dont think it will win many awards, and there is nothing really new being done here, but it does it all pretty well :wink:

Give it another go, especially since it is on GamePass!


Ive also restarted it! I just havent had the time or energy to play yet


Time to give this another go maybe.


Busy downloading it now, some friends of mine are also keen to return to see how it is. I am very keen to see non timed based expeditions. The time limits always irritated me.

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Please let us know your experiences and thoughts.

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My friend and I jumped in, not having any idea what has changed and not having played for over 5 months. We just took what we had and did an expedition.

What a resounding joy it was for the 2 of us to just hang out in that expedition, no time limit, no pressure, just keeping each other alive and positioning/tactically moving. This is what the game should have been like at the end game. We could stop, make some changes to what we were using and continue.

It was challenging, sure (we played the highest level possible to see if we could do it) but we had time to strategise and play and chat. We then spent some time exploring the transmog system. Oh my, how wonderful to just pick a look from items you have, no cost, no item destruction, just swap looks.

I am impressed.


Great to hear. Sounds like a good improvement then. I can’t believe it’s been 5 months already.

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On that, I checked after you posted (5 months was more of a guesstimate) the last achievement I got in game was the 17th of April, so it is more like 7 months.

Anyone wants to play some together, let me know, I am ready and have the time (on leave until 3rd Jan)

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haha I can try to make a plan. This week isn’t looking good, however, and next weekend too. I’ll be going on leave from 15 December so that’s looking hopeful if we don’t away.

I’ll get it downloaded again in the meantime and we can take it from there.

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Now I can finally play this (once I am done with Far Cry 6) I have found a work around to my outriders crashing. In windows 11, install it via xbox app as usual, create a desktop shortcut and run that shortcut as an admin - then the game loads beautifully


I still need to revisit it to try out that last expansion or update, apparently fixed and added a whole lot of things and QOL adjustments.