Outriders - A Co-op RPG

Yeah, we’re all kinda into similiar play styles. I don’t follow meta nor these cookie cutter builds. I experiment and play with what I get enjoyment out of. If you don’t meet the required timers, so what?

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Absolutely agree. It severely restricts diversity and experimentation.


I was lucky, I managed to experiment and create 2 builds that worked for these expeditions but the other 3 I have tried, even with some of the best gear available, failed miserably, they are fun to play but the timed mission made them impossible to use and succeed.

Getting to the point where I will play to help or to enjoy with friends and play an alt for more experimentation in the “open world” but …endlessly running timed missions for farming is getting really boring.

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Then you don’t get the best loot drops and therein lies the problem. Locking the best gear behind a time gate means you will have to set up your character in a certain way to be able to get that gear and that’s bad design IMO.

Yeah my build is fun and I like it but if I constantly get the lowest tier rewards even if I don’t die or struggle really, I will stop playing very quickly. Which is why I don’t really enjoy expeditions as much as just playing the game.

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I got 160+ hours out of the game, I will play it for a while longer with another class to experiment with but when I hit the end of the game with that character, it is game over.

160 hours is a good time for R800 spent, I think. Hopefully more content will come out sometime soon.


Agreed. Think I’ve got shy of 100 hours in it at this point.

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R800 spent?

Man, thank goodness for Game Pass. In all honesty if the game wasn’t on Game Pass then I wouldn’t even have tried it.

Still you got a lot of hours in which is great.

I like the game much more than I thought I would. For instance I thought Destiny 2 was pretty average. But Outriders? I got addicted to it.


I wish it was on PC game pass.


Same here cos I cant playyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Why do you say this?

I am considering playing it but my research seems to suggest that starting it so late in it’s lifecycle is not a great idea since so much content got shelved and removed and only the latest DLC is useful. Since I am just interested in experiencing the story and missions solo, it might not be the best idea to play it.

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I know lots of people who love it. Like @MalicE I think.

Personally it just never grabbed me. Outriders and Diablo are games that I find addictive with the way they do their loot system. Destiny just never gave me that same feeling.

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Its now very difficult to get to the story missions from what I saw about a year ago when I tried it again.

Destiny is life. The best gunplay you’ll ever get from an FPS game (Titanfall 2 came close). and it runs so smooooth on PC

I’m speaking under correction but I think you can still play the vaulted content, will have to confirm once I have all of my PC back and reassembled.

Destiny is a fantastic game, even though I don’t 100% agree with their business model, but it is MUCH better with friends.

on topic with this thread, I found Outriders to be very meh


Haha that’s crazy.

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I got addicted to Destiny 2 again. I fired it up the first time again this past weekend since they migrated from Battle.net to Steam and have been loving every moment. The content that was cut wasn’t all that great, to be honest. Mars and Mercury were the worst and most uninspiring regions in the game, with the Cosmodrome and Titan (IIRC, it’s the ice moon) replacing them. There’s still a truck load of content to work through and I’ve easily spent 120+ hours in the game since it launched back then.

In the PvE (solo or co-op) realm you have lengthy campaigns and the great Nightfall Strike playlist to grind through. In the PvP realm, the various flavours of Crucible and the unique PvPvE of Gambit is as addicting as ever. Honestly, it’s been a huge pleasure jumping back into the game.


Indeed! I’m rocking 130 FPS on my old GTX1080 at 1080p with everything cranked to max and 1.25 super sampling.

Now you guys are making me consider destiny 2 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


There’s no harm in trying it - the base game is free. You only pay for the expansions… I believe you can play through the whole Red War campaign and get access to a whole host of exotics, Crucible, Gambit and a raid or two all for free.

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