Outriders - A Co-op RPG

I’ll join for some co-op once I finish the campaign.


Just some co-op tips

Please make sure that you enter a co-op with a friend or random with the expectation that it will be a LOT harder. The group scaling is not a linear ratio but more of a curve. 3 People in an expedition has the same amount of NPCs in it as 1 but the NPCs scale their HP and damage more than an exact ratio. A boss with 3 people has roughly 5x the HP as when solo.

Doing it with a friend and on voice comms helps a lot since you can discuss tactics after a few tries that will help you succeed, based on the builds your team mate has. You will soon learn the exact moves bosses and captains have and learn which to interrupt and which to run away from.

As an example: my 2 friends, one plays a spinny trickster, the other a tanky devastator and I play a minigun technomancer. After playing a few together and failing miserably we slowly worked out our tactics based on the builds we have. I ended up tanking, the tank ended up DPSing from range and the spinny trickster ended up being our DPS/reviver. In order for me to keep face tanking mobs I need the little mobs alive so we agreed to always leave the little mobs around me alive till a boss is dead so that I could “eat” them for life giving ammo.


I dunno man, from what I have seen and experienced the only thing that scales in co-op is the health pools of enemies. So you will still have to contend with the same amount of enemies and ADS as a solo player, not to mention crowd control and funelling them. I just simply get overwhelmed with the sheer ammounts of enemies.

Yeah, builds at the moment are starting to seem very limited. I have never really been one to follow meta or “cookie-cutter” builds and prefer to experiment or pay whatever I find enjoyable. This will unfortunately be my downfall and will be forced to pay according to their style. The variation of builds seem to be laughable at best.

I did not know that, and it does not feel like it is the case, to me that is. Maybe I will dig up some of their showcase streams or demos on this to see.

Awesome! No rush man, enjoy your experience, I’m ready when you are.

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I feel I need to qualify that statement I made, my friend berated me on thinking it was. Expeditions probably were designed for co-op but due to an absolute failure on their part in multiple design decisions it ended up being easier and more rewarding solo.

All those bad design decisions boils down to this result: I can solo an expedition and each of my friends can easily solo the exact same expedition at exactly the same tier as we all have. The 3 of us together absolutely fail it so we have to go down 2 tiers to do it as a group with a LOT less reward as doing it solo.

It really means that we now whip out our experimental builds and just get together to play with the builds at a much lower tier to have fun together, otherwise, most of the time, we run solo for the rewards.

Sad but true.


Are you, or have you been running mutiple characters. It seems like a good reason to have multiple characters, one for solo and another for co-op.


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No, one character only full time so far but with multiple builds. My solo grind all revolves around getting a variety of pieces for different build ideas which I then test in our friendly co-op, as do they since pushing progression as a group fails.


Wowies… been watching quite a bit of Cowboy playing some Expeditions and ranking that ladder. I don’t know if I can think of a game that has such low legendary drop rates. I like the transparency of it showing you what your chances are for a drop, but 0.75% chance is abysmal.

It’s no wonder I only 3 legendaries after about 50 hours of gameplay.

Borderlands 2.

I’ve put in like 350 hours on PC and I think I have like 10 legendaries, if that.

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Anyone keen on trying a crossplay session this weekend?

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Yeah, I’m game. I assume the cross-play code is static for everyone?

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Hope so, I have read of people playing PC/console. Not sure how the invites work though

Yeah, I suspect it might generate a code upon enabling the option for cross-play.

Found these not so helpful options:


Looks like we’d have to use Discord in order to communicate. I know @Wlad has also completed campaign, not sure if he wwould be up to co-op-ing.

Sounds simple enough! We should give it a go. I am free tomorrow in the day and at night. Also tonight from about 19:30/20:00

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Yeah, I’m down for that.

Nice, completed all side content as well now.


Let me know, drop me a WhatsApp or we can hookup on discord.

I am up for it right now if you are. Want to meet up on the MEW discord?

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I finished the campaign last night. Enjoyed it a lot!

Will try out expeditions tonight. I’m not a big fan of it having a timer since I’m a slow kind of gamer. Will see if I like it or not.


Yeah, honestly, they could have done away with the timers.

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Yeah I’m not really into the meta or whatever but apparently the timer actually limits build diversity for expeditions. Timed missions in games are never a good idea.