Outriders - A Co-op RPG

Nice! A littel disheartening though as I too have a Technomancer I am building up, you make me wanna ditch that effort though, but I am enjoying the playstyle. Maybe just use for the campaign and playing with others within that world.

Speaking of end-game, what happens when you complete the campaign? I have pourposefully been leaving all the side quests and bounties etc till I am done with the story, which will be soon I think. I have been playing 90% solo with a Devestator build.

I think Devestator can also be somewhat of a support class, while he/she doesnā€™t heal the group, they can protect with the shield while the rest of the squad go for DPS. Thoughts?

I know World Tier falls away, what does it get replaced with? I have seen some other tier progression system at play for the expeditions. Does it work on the same principles?


Your best bet is to do the following:

  1. DO NOT take the rewards for your world tier advancement where the gear offered is legendaries and epics, keep it until right at the end when you are at WT15
  2. DO NOT do the hunts/bounties until you are at the absolute max WT you can get, do them then and hand them in for gear.
  3. Really push your world tier, at WT15 and level 30 you get level 42 gear dropping, the best you can get outside of expeditions and with a full set of these you will be nicely set up for expeditions.
  4. If you like solo, the technomancer Tool of destruction plus 2 ice turrets is just so much fun. You cannot use it in groups though as you have to get the kill for your ammo reset. I find it a very strange design decision in a group based game where the best skills absolutely fail because other people can steal your kills that you so desperately need.
  5. Expeditions work like this: you start at expedition level 5 (not sure how they calculate this). You run the expedition, the time you take determines the quality and amount of the loot rain at the end. If you succeed with a silver, you advance +1 expedition tier to 6. Each expedition level gives you items at a certain level. Tier 6 gives you level 38, Tier 7 ā†’ 40, Tier 8 ā†’ 41 and so on to a max of 50. If you fail by dying and you continue to try, you get some pity loot from a box at the start.

Legendary weapons are useless, you outlevel them quickly. They are good for 2 things: looks and T3 gun mod holders. You will find that you rip them up to collect the mods since epics are usually better


Thanks for the infos

  1. As a primarily solo player I think I wonā€™t even reach WT15. Hitting a wall at WT7 already.
  2. I have been trying to leave all side related content to once I am done with the story but have done a few just see what they are and mix up the formulae a bit.
  3. As mentioned, I doubt very much Iā€™ll reach WT15. Unless there is a push from others such as @hiro, @wlad, and @solitude for us to do this TOGETHER.
  4. The Technomancer so far is the one class I seemed to struggle with as a solo player and tapping out at around WT4. Though it was my first choice, I do love the play style.
  5. As mentioned, as a solo player this is kind of my objective, outside of completing the campaign. Are the expeditions geared primarily for co-op and squad based gameplay or are they viable solo? I am not so interested in the time based completions as much as the experience.

This is a little disheartening. This is one aspect of the game that I get a sense of that the devs really pushed home is for their uniqueness and effectiveness.

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I have been summoned. As soon as I finish the campaign then Iā€™ll join in some multiplayer fun. Iā€™m doing everything in the campaign. All the side quests and things.

I love my technomancer and I kick ass currently.


I soloed all of my campaign as a technomancer. I joined friends on their campaign but kept pushing WT solo. It was hard, had to switch down for a few bosses but managed it to WT 15 in the end. Felt like a great accomplishment. My build is all 2 cold turrets and tool of destruction and it is amazing. Up until 22 I did it mostly with a sniper rifle and careful play. I SUCK at aiming but things standing still frozen helps with headshots. After level 22 skill it was a lot easier with one key mod for the TOD skill and the frozen mod for the blight turret. Stick with it, the game play style is amazing.

You can run the expeditions solo, many do, its just a little slower to progress. In fact, the technomancer will do better solo with a minigun build, for reasons I mentioned.

Yes, I was so happy with my first 2 legendaries and then bid them farewell once I levelled one level above where I got them. The T3 gun mods they carry are very interesting and worth harvesting. You can stick 2 T3 mods on a legendary, the one it has and one you have harvested.


Considering you soloes to WT15, I would disagree with you :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m now at level 25 and struggle on WT6. Maybe I just donā€™t understand how to effectively create a build or min max.


Yeah, Warframe and Diablo 3 also have builds that work this way and you basically canā€™t play them in groups unless youā€™re pushing really high-level content.

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I soloed with a build that allows me to either shoot stationary targets in the head or to just face tank whole groups of mobs with a minigun, no aiming involved :wink:

That last one still gives me SUCH a kick, just standing there or moving real slow because the ability limits your walking speed to a crawl. Everything shooting at me, everything eating and clawing at me and I am just sticking the minigun in their face/maw/jaws and shooting non stop for minutes on end till they are all dead.

I really think the technomancer has the easiest solo possibilities for real hard open world content. All the others operate on massive gun damage to live where as the techno uses just skills to kill. It takes me 3 mags on an assault rifle to kill one little mob but in my minigun mode they disappear in a shower of very satisfying chunks.

I have to add this though, if there is a boss with no adds, I am running around like a scared little rat, waiting for my cooldown and hoping to survive.


Are you playing a technomancer? The crowd control is amazing, everthing else you use in a build is a cherry on top. None of the other classes have that CC available.

I suspect that the devs will be nerfing the frozen state to nothing in the first patch, it is just that good.


I also have to add this here and it sucks but it will change hopefully. Play around with the mods, abilities of your class before you get into late game, experiment as much as you can, it was the REAL fun for me and I am looking forward to doing it with the devastator as well. I only opened a guide once I started doing expeditions and all my fun builds were useless. Playing a game like this with the optimal best meta build from the start is limiting the fun you will have experimenting.

Donā€™t be afraid of swapping out mods on your items all the time to play with them, it is cheap and you will never run out of leather. If you do, just go back and farm the spider boss for more. I have experimented so much and I have more resources (other than cash and titanium) than I can ever use up.


Started as one, switched to Devestator when I was battling to cope on WT5 at level 7.

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Iā€™m mean Iā€™ve been the type to play for fun and enjoyment over playing what the meta says you should. I donā€™t mind not playing the perfect min max build with X mods and perks etc. I just care about having fun and enjoying myself.

In other news, seems a big patch incomingā€¦


People love to overreact. These nerfs are in no way ā€œbigā€. They are small percentage nerfs and should have been bigger. To put it into perspective: at a point in the endgame only the magic bullet builds can progress with ease. The ā€œmagic bulletā€ builds are where a class uses a single skill that turns the bullets from their weapons into high damaging projectiles of a status type: burning, toxic, bleeding. This then escalates the damage done by these projectiles under certain conditions to a point where the hundreds of NPCs that swarm you can be dealt with 1 or 2 shots. These ā€œmagic bulletā€ builds all use a condition where the ammunition of the projectiles are reset to full or added to while using them, so the player never runs out of ammunition for those bullets.

All of them have a hefty cooldown on the re-use of the skill but players have found a way of making that condition more or less permanent, as long as you fulfill the conditions (getting a kill or crits).

This patch makes the effect of this magic bullet less powerful but does not address the core issue. It just means that NPCs are removed with 2-3 shots instead of 1-2 which is not a big nerf.

In essence most of the skills of each class become useless because of this core issue. The answer should be simple: make it impossible to maintain the magic bullet state indefinitely and increase the damage scaling of the unused skills.

I hope that they recognise this and move towards it. Of course the fallout will be massive since then players will not be able to reach the highest tier of advancement so easily, which will be a good thing for the long term health of the game but will lose a lot of people initially.

I just hope that they address this.


And finished the story.

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Going back to previous areas and doing all side content each area at a time, while trying to get through it with my max WT setting applied, currently WT7.

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Hit max level now and slowly progressing through World Tiers while I knock out all the side content.

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Itā€™s really disappointing that the expeditions have been designed exclusively around a co-op experience. Seeing as the game doesnā€™t seem to scale the enemy amounts that shit seems nearly impossible to solo.

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It is interesting you should say that since it turns out that expeditions are far easier to solo than do in groups. The scaling is insane with a group and you get no extra rewards for that difficulty.

The really unfortunate thing is that to either solo or do in groups, the build is narrowed down to a specific type for each class that can successfully complete it.

You will have to redesign your build to do expeditions. When you transition from open world to expeditions there is a lot of pivoting that needs to be done to succeed. It took me many build concepts until I finally managed to design one that allows me to solo the expeditions.

Alternatively you can always find a cookie cutter build online, set it up with some work in open world (level 42 gear) and then solo expeditions much easier since they are all designed for solo, because it is the most rewarding. Once you break through that barrier you can start collecting gear to make your own builds that work for you.

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