Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is out, but is it any good?

The sequel to Pillars of Eternity released on Tuesday, 8 May. Many gamer enjoyed the first title, and critics gave it overall great reviews. And now the next installment in the franchise is available. So let's see if they managed to capture lighting in a jar again.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ink.mostepic.win/pillars-of-eternity-ii/

I managed to score a free copy of this on the GOG Twitch stream, looks like I got a good game! I must still play the first one though…

Busy downloading :slight_smile:

I backed the game on Fig. Still busy playing the first one however! These games are huge.

So, seeing as I’ve never played any of these games previously, I watched a review or two of the game last night. For some reason the game seems very interesting, almost like something I would in fact enjoy. I must read up more about this.

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I still struggle with the first one, I am not good at all with the single player rpg - aka controlling more than one char at a time is not in my head, my brain hates it.

The entire cast of Critical Role voice characters in the second Pillars of eternity

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I’ve watch some gameplay of it on Twitch and it seems pretty good.

I’d buy it if I knew I would keep interested long enough to finish it

I have not played either one of them :confused:

I loved the first game and I really want the sequel, but I think I’m going to wait a bit. The game has been announced for Switch and I think it would work great on the console, but being developed by Obsidian the game is probably a bit buggy and will need some patching.

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hmm…tempting. I played (but never finished) PoE. reviews looking pretty decent.

OMG the chills from the start is amazing!

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Do I have to finish PoE in order to be able to fully enjoy PoE 2 ?

No they have an awesone intro to catch you up.

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Apparently you can import your save games from the first game so your choices in the first one will affect this game. Um or at least that’s what it said when I backed it.

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Yes I did import them :smiley:
But had to launch the first one again and just make sure of my choices to which save I wanted to import.

I think I am going to play the first one first and then hop onto the second one

I also have the first one sitting around, gathering dust…might be worth giving it a bash, to get more invested

Another +1 here. I started the first game and played around an hour. Don’t know why I didn’t continue, as I quite enjoyed it…

Time for a revival.

Started playing this again yesterday and I’m really enjoying myself. I’ve finished the game before using the real-time with pause system and using story companions but this time I’m running a full custom party and playing in turn-based mode. With my recent PC upgrade the game is also running a lot smoother than before and thanks to installing it on my SSD the loading times (which are quite frequent and take really long on an HDD) are pretty quick as well now.

If you’re looking for a modern ‘old school’ cRPG I highly recommend this game. It has a really interesting setting with a huge map filled with locations to explore. The lore and pretty much all of the writing is really good. It’s also on GamePass.