Preferred personal email provider

Where is everyone hosting their personal Email. Is GMail still the go-to?

I missed out on all the black Friday FTTH specials because I can’t cancel my current ISP. I am basically locked in with them (Vox) because they have been hosting my personal email address for the better part of 20 years. Originally got the email address with a dialup account from ABSA bank, before Vox took over their ISP affairs. Everything from my banking and insurance to Netflix and MrD is linked to this email.

I want to systematically start moving things over to a new email address so I am not so ISP locked.

Where should I register for a new, preferably free email? Something I can use when I need to send out CVs and more professional mails as well. I have gmail but that is more for forum/gaming/spammy related emails.

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I just go with GMail, fo me and my family.

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Proton Mail or Tutanota if you want a more privacy focused service.