Reddit redesign

What do you guys think of the reddit redesign. Overdue? Or just like here now full of epic win? :smiley:

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  • Nay
  • Who Cares

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Looks like they’ve gone for some modern stuff like infinity scrolling etc…

I haven’t been on the desktop site for more than a week, so might have missed it. Everything still looks the same on my reddit app (Baconreader).

Show a screenshot mine looks the same.

I have not noticed anything new myself.

It looks different to how it used to look.

I was glad it changed until I opened reddit to have a look. I don’t really frequent the site that often, but it still looks the same to me.

You can used the redesigned site if you go into your preferences, enable betas, save, then enable the new design.


Am I the only one who only goes to reddit when a google search result pops up from there?
I have never gone to reddit myself to browse around. Am I missing much?


I dont use reddit much, just sometimes for games when I am truly stuck

I also never saw the point of reddit and the site is confusing as fuck. I started on the app. And now im hooked.

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mmmmmm… Should maybe give it a try.

I love Reddit. I am completely addicted to the site. I visit Reddit on a daily basis. I’m a bit of a lurker on it, only commenting every now and then.

I’ve signed up for the beta, but still don’t see the different layout. So I have no opinion on the new design.

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I believe i read last night its only being served to 1% of the userbase at the moment. Don’t know if it has added the ability now to opt in like Sig said.

So when you go on there, what do you look for or follow?
I am unsure as to how it it structured.
It is not just a scroll down site for when you are bored. Feels like you have to search what you are looking for in Reddit, Sub reddits, Sub sub Reddits, Sub sub sub Reddits ?

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I started with shit i like. There are subreddits for every fucking thing. so to start i would so go to all. that is a list of the most upvoted posts in the last say day. That will show you what type of shit is on there and you will get a few good ones to follow. And from there you just follow what your interests are. for instance a few of mine are shit like Askscience, Beards, Cape Town, ChemicalReactiongifs, formula1, fantasyfootball, gaming, etc.

So basically just search for shit you are interested in and there will be a subreddit for it. Mandatory follows are trebuchetmemes and catapultmemes. The war never ends.

And I guess you have a profile where favorites can be saved? So that when I log in, all I want to see pops up?

yes so when you log in you get a page called home. which will be the most upvoted posts from your chosen subreddits. And then you can dive deeper by going into the individual subreddits you chose to see all the posts there.

I would also recommend installing RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite). Allows for better inline image viewing.

The real gold, a lot of the time, is in the comments. So the main link will either be a link to an image or article on a 3rd party site, or it will be what’s called a self post, which is seen on subreddits like /r/AskReddit. When you go into the comments, you’ll find people post links to other subreddits as well.

When you go to the subreddit’s page, there will be a “Subscribe” or “Unsubscribe” button. Just add/delete what you want/don’t want.

I just hit over 10,000 comment karma (upvotes) the other day with a dickbutt joke :expressionless:

Can you only comment, reply and post every 6 minutes?
Or is it a thing with new accounts?
For me that is torture!